Exporting a virtual machine to an Open Virtualization Format (OVF) template fails
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Exporting a virtual machine to an Open Virtualization Format (OVF) template fails


Article ID: 307995


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


  • Exporting a virtual machine to an OVF template fails
  • VPXD fails with a Panic in VpxdViConsumerContext::AddError()
  • The backtrace appears similar to:

    backtrace[04] eip 0x00b3f998 Panic (d:\src\vc40\vpx\common\vpxlog.cpp:258)
    backtrace[05] eip 0x013a1581 VpxdViConsumerContext::AddError (d:\src\vc40\vpx\vpxd\vapp\vpxdviconsumercontext.cpp:92)
    backtrace[06] eip 0x01767c18 Ovf::Vi2Consumer::GetDeviceIdAndAdapterType (d:\src\vimbase-vc40\vim\lib\ovf\consumer.cpp:1589)
    backtrace[07] eip 0x0176758e Ovf::Vi2Consumer::FindFiles (d:\src\vimbase-vc40\vim\lib\ovf\consumer.cpp:1540)
    backtrace[08] eip 0x01766d45 Ovf::Vi2Consumer::BuildFileList (d:\src\vimbase-vc40\vim\lib\ovf\consumer.cpp:1398)
    backtrace[09] eip 0x01766b10 Ovf::Vi2Consumer::GetIR (d:\src\vimbase-vc40\vim\lib\ovf\consumer.cpp:1373)
    backtrace[10] eip 0x0131a145 VpxdMoOvfManager::CreateDescriptor (d:\src\vc40\vpx\vpxd\vapp\vpxdmoovfmanager.cpp:793)


VMware ESX 4.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.0.x


This issue occurs when you create a virtual machine with a PVSCSI (VMware Paravirtualization) controller and attempt to export the virtual machine to an OVF template. This is the only controller that VMware does not support when exporting to OVF template with vSphere 4.0.
This issue is resolved in vCenter Server 4.0 Update 1.