To resolve this issue, specify the domain name in the network settings.
To specify the domain name in the network settings, perform one of these options depending on your environment:
- For a Windows machine:
<?xml:namespace prefix = o /> - Log on to the virtual machine.
- Select the Windows icon, then right-click Computer and select Properties.
- Under Computer name, click domain and workgroup settings and select Change Settings.
- Under System Properties, click the Computer Name tab and click Change.
- Verify the virtual machine is a member of a workgroup.
- Click More and specify the Primary DNS suffix of this computer. For example:
- Click OK and restart the virtual machine to reflect the changes.
- Click the Summary tab of the the virtual machine to verify the DNS name displays as FQDN.
For a Linux machine:
- Log in to the Linux machine as a root user.
- Run this command to verify the hostname of the Linux machine:
- To change the hostname to a FQDN, run the command:
hostname system name.domain name
For example:
Click the Summary tab of the virtual machine and verify that the DNS name is displayed as a FQDN.
Note: It is not mandatory to be a member of a domain for vCenter Server to display the DNS name as FQDN for all virtual machines.