How to setup a daily restart of the AgentManager Plugins
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How to setup a daily restart of the AgentManager Plugins


Article ID: 30787


Updated On:


CA Virtual Privilege Manager CA Privileged Identity Management Endpoint (PIM) CA Privileged Access Manager - Server Control (PAMSC)


How to configure the AgentManager to restart periodically?


Release: 12.8, 12.9-Privileged Identity Manager, R14.x PAMSC EP
Component: PIM / PAMSC endpoint


On Windows Servers you will need to edit the registry hive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ComputerAssociates\AccessControl\Common\AgentManager and create two new keys. The first key a REG_ DWORD for the name RestartAgents. This token has two main values of 0 (zero) or 1. 1 means this token is enabled. The second key is a  REG_SZ for RestartAgentSchedule. It's value is 00:[email protected],Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat in order to set the schedule. 



On Linux and Unix servers you will need to update the accommon.ini file found in the /opt/CA/AccessControlShared folder. In the AgentManager section you will need to add the two tokens. 

RestartAgents = 1



Once these are set you will need to restart the Agent, if not stopped for editing, so these values will take affect. 


To verify these changes took affect you will need to check the AgentManager.log file for the following lines. 

Location Linux: /opt/CA/AccessControlShared/data/AgentManager

Location Windows: C:\Program Files\CA\AccessControl\Data\AgentManager

In the log file look for these two lines shortly after the set time. 

04/06/2015 09:00:45 AGENTMGR_RestartAgentsThread> Restarting Agents ...

04/06/2015 09:00:45 AGENTMGR_RestartAgentsThread> Stopping Agent PupmAgent ...