NSX Edge IPsec configuration with remote peer IP as "ANY"
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NSX Edge IPsec configuration with remote peer IP as "ANY"


Article ID: 307752


Updated On: 02-04-2025


VMware NSX for vSphere



  • NSX Edge allows you to use IPsec as responder to IPSec request, by default when you specify Peer IP Edge tryies to initiate IPsec.
  • When Edge is configured with Peer as ANY, Edge always acts as responder and Peer is expected to initiate IKE transactions.
  • In the log file, you see alerts similar to:

    You can see error like " 2016-11-22T10:09:02+00:00 vse-1-0 ipsec[10453]: [xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx]: [authpriv.warning] packet from xx.xx.xx.xx:xxx: received Vendor ID payload [XAUTH]
    2016-11-22T10:09:02+00:00 vse-1-0 ipsec[10453]: [xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx]: [authpriv.warning] packet from xx.xx.xx.xx:xxx: received Vendor ID payload [Dead Peer Detection]
    2016-11-22T10:09:02+00:00 vse-1-0 ipsec[10453]: [xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx]: [authpriv.warning] packet from xx.xx.xx.xx:xxx: ignoring Vendor ID payload [FRAGMENTATION 80000000]
    2016-11-22T10:09:02+00:00 vse-1-0 ipsec[10453]: [xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx]: [authpriv.warning] packet from xx.xx.xx.xx:xxx: received Vendor ID payload [RFC 3947] method set to=115
    2016-11-22T10:09:02+00:00 vse-1-0 ipsec[10453]: [xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx]: [authpriv.warning] packet from xx.xx.xx.xx:xxx: received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02_n] meth=106, but already using method 115
    2016-11-22T10:09:02+00:00 vse-1-0 ipsec[10453]: [xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx]: [authpriv.warning] packet from xx.xx.xx.xx:xxx: initial Main Mode message received on xx.xx.xx.xx:xxx: but no connection has been authorized with policy=PSK+XAUTH"
  • when specifying remote peer IP address that matches the 3-rd party devices VPN is establishing. Note between 2 attempts with "any" and with peer ip no change is made on the Edge.
    Edge to Edge VPN establishing works.

According to logs, Peer is initiating IKE transaction and in first message advertising PSK + XAUTH. As Edge is not configured to support XAUTH, it fails in first message.

When Edge is configured with Peer IP address, Edge can initiate IKE transaction in which it will not advertise XAUTH support and hence rest of the IKE transactions works as IKE will not prompt for authentication after IKE SA is established.


VMware NSX for vSphere 6.4.x
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.3.x


This issue occurs because NSX Edge receives the proposal for authentication with multiple methods like PSK XAUTH Certificate on Main Mode.

If the remote peer sends more than one in same time then the Edge cannot handle this proposal now edge supports PSK, XAUTH, Certificate authentication.

To resolve the issues:

  1. Remote site should send one method at time
  2. Configure in Edge option on IPsec tunnel to use aggressive mode.
    Option is : aggrmode=yes
    Note: This is not supported by VMware for security reasons when you use it with PSK.