Starting VMware VirtualCenter Server service fails with the error: Failed to initialize: Invalid Locale
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Starting VMware VirtualCenter Server service fails with the error: Failed to initialize: Invalid Locale


Article ID: 307464


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server



After installing vCenter Server 4.1 on Windows 2008 SP2 64bit system, you experience these symptoms:

  • Cannot start VMware VirtualCenter Server service
  • Starting VirtualCenter Server service fails
  • Running the C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VirtualCenter Server> vpxd -s command, displays an output similar to:

    [2010-12-21 13:25:28.800 00908 info 'App'] [Vpxd::ServerApp::Init:831] Calling: VpxdInvt::Load(gDB)
    [2010-12-21 13:25:28.816 00908 info 'App'] [Vpxd::ServerApp::Init:832] Calling: Vpxd::Session::Init()
    [2010-12-21 13:25:28.817 00908 warning 'Locale'] Locale '' not supported in module 'iso2win'.
    [2010-12-21 13:25:28.818 00908 error 'App'] Invalid server locale specified.
    [2010-12-21 13:25:28.818 00908 warning 'VpxProfiler'] ServerApp::Init took 4674 ms
    [2010-12-21 13:25:28.819 00908 error 'App'] [VpxdMain] Failed to initialize: Invalid Locale.
    [2010-12-21 13:25:28.819 00908 error 'App'] Failed to intialize VMware VirtualCenter. Shutting down...
    [2010-12-21 13:26:24.387 00908 info 'App'] Forcing shutdown of VMware VirtualCenter now


VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x
VMware vCenter Server 4.1.x


This issue occurs when the regional settings in vCenter Server are incorrect.


To resolve this issue:
  1. Open Regional and Language Options in Control Panel.
  2. Click Regional Options.
  3. Select English (United States) from Standards and formats.
Note: If your problem persists even after trying the steps in this article, file a support request with VMware Support and note this Knowledge Base article ID (1032339) in the problem description. For more information, see How to Submit a Support Request.