Database Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PDA) PTIMSG displays Ended-NzUKWN instead of just Ended:
Collection of XP - DB2T.TLETEST0.0010 - Ended-NzUKWN
Collection of XP - DB2T.TLETEST0.0011 - Started
Collection of X2 - DB2T.XTLMTCH0.0020 - Ended-NzUKWN
Collection of XP - DB2T.TLETEST0.0012 - Started
Collection of XP - DB2T.TLETEST0.0011 - Ended-NzUKWN
Collection of XP - DB2T.TLETEST0.0012 - Ended-NzUKWN
Collection of X2 - DB2T.XTLMTCH0.0019 - Ended-NzUKWN
This message was added for zIIP support. It states that this object(index) collection was not eligible to run on the zIIP.
The NzUkwn is that there was no reason supplied as to why the request was not honored. This just means the collection ran
on the GP processor instead of the zIIP specialty processors.