Attempting to register NSX Manager with either the PSC (Lookup Service) or the vCenter Server URL fails. Users may be presented with a certificate, however, we get an unknown error occurred.
In the vCenter /var/log/vmware/eam/eam.log, we see errors such as:
Failed to login to vCenter as extension. vCenter has probably not loaded the EAM extension.xml yet.: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password.
In an NSX Manager SSH session, run:
show manager log
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS GMT ERROR taskScheduler-14 InstallTask:202 - error while creating eam agency for deployment com.vmware.vim.binding.eam.fault.NoConnectionToVCenter: inherited from com.vmware.vim.binding.eam.fault.EamRuntimeFault: inherited from com.vmware.vim.binding.eam.fault.NoConnectionToVCenter
Run the following in an SSH session on the vCenter server while logged in as root:
# shell.set --enabled true
# mkdir /certificate
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry getcert --store vpxd-extension --alias vpxd-extension --output /certificate/vpxd-extension.crt
# /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry getkey --store vpxd-extension --alias vpxd-extension --output /certificate/vpxd-extension.key
# python /usr/lib/vmware-vpx/scripts/ -e com.vmware.vim.eam -c /certificate/vpxd-extension.crt -k /certificate/vpxd-extension.key -s FQDNofvCenterServer -u [email protected]
You will be prompted to enter the password for the admin user.
Password to connect to VC server for user="[email protected]":
After entering the proper password, you should see:
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Updating certificate for "com.vmware.vim.eam" extension
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Successfully updated certificate for "com.vmware.vim.eam" extension
YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Verified login to vCenter Server using certificate="/certificate/vpxd-extension.crt" is successful
root@wd-xas-vcsa-t01 [ ~ ]#
Then perform the following: