VMHSYS500E Link to user 191 for job JOB1234(1234); worker 'VMBATxxx' failed, RC=3.
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VMHSYS500E Link to user 191 for job JOB1234(1234); worker 'VMBATxxx' failed, RC=3.


Article ID: 30730


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When VM:Batch runs a job, the default behavior is to link the submitting user's A-disk (either a 191 disk or an SFS directory) at virtual address 194 and access it as filemode B/A.  If the job was submitted by a service machine or some other user that does not have an A-disk, then the job will end with a VMHSYS500E message.



If your batch job does not need access to any files on the A-disk, you can specify job option USERMODE NO on your SUBMIT command. 

NO prevents the batch worker from accessing the user's files.


Additional Information

The USERMODE job option is discussed in the VM:Batch User's and Group Manager's Guide in Chapter 10: Command Reference.