Renaming a datastore
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Renaming a datastore


Article ID: 307197


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides information on renaming a Datastore even if VMs are running on it.
This article does not apply to vSAN.


VMware vSphere ESXi 7.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 8.x



1.) If the Datastore is shared by more than one ESXi Host:
You must rename the Datastore by using the vCenter Web Client
2.) If the Host is managed by vCenter Server:
You cannot rename the Datastore by directly accessing the Host from the VMware Host Client or using the command line.
You must rename the Datastore by using the vCenter Web Client
3.) If the Host is not managed by vCenter Server: Rename a Datastore in the VMware Host Client
4.) If the Host is not managed by vCenter Server: Rename a Datastore by using command line:
4.1) Determine the current Datastore name by running via SSH/Putty session:
df -h 

4.2) Runn command to rename Datastore:
vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/rename OldDatastoreName NewDatastoreName

4.3) Determine the new Datastore name by running via SSH/Putty session:
df -h 

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