How to translate this Top Secret command to a LDAP command:
TSS ADD(#acid) PROFILE(#profile) FOR(xx)
In LDAP, you can use the LDAPMODIFY command as follows:
./ldapmodify -c -h HOSTNAME -p 1389 -D cn=admin01 -w password -x -f file_add_profile.ldif
HOSTNAME is your hostname
admin01 is a Top Secret administrator who has rights over the acid being administrated
password is the current password for acid admin01
file_add_profile.ldif is the file name of the ldif file containing the ldap operations.
The ldif file should look like:
*** Top Of Data ***
changetype: add
objectClass: tssproflist
Profile-Before: prof001
Profile-Until-Date 10/11/15
*** End Of Data ***
This will add to acid MYACID, profile PROF003, before profile PROF001 for a duration of xx days.
For object class tssproflist, only a z/OS UFN (User Friendly Name) "Profile-Until-Date" is available.
The tssproflist object class is used to display the profiles attached to an ACID. This object supports LDAP add and delete operations.
See the CA LDAP Server for z/OS guide, chapter: 'CA Top Secret to CA LDAP Server User Friendly Names' for all details.