In ESXi 6.5 and 6.7 After applying host-profile the host loses access to the management network
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In ESXi 6.5 and 6.7 After applying host-profile the host loses access to the management network


Article ID: 307007


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


To apply the host profile.

  • After  remediation,the management on vmk0 was changed assigned the vmotion address to vmk0 
  • In the hostd logs you see similar entries
2019-10-16T10:12:36.960Z info hostd[2101721] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc opID=jxnf909t-13914262-auto-8a8dr-h5:70741832-25-01-75-4d47-4d86 user=vpxuser] UpdateNetwork with Config: ( {
-->    vswitch = <unset>,
-->    proxySwitch = <unset>,
-->    portgroup = <unset>,
-->    pnic = <unset>,
-->    vnic = ( [
-->       ( {
-->          changeOperation = "add",
-->          device = "vmk0",
-->          portgroup = "",
-->          spec = ( {
-->             dynamicProperty = <unset>,
-->             ip = ( {
-->                dhcp = false,
-->                ipAddress = "",
-->                subnetMask = "",
-->                ipV6Config = ( null
-->             },
-->             mac = "00:50:56:60:90:0d",
-->             distributedVirtualPort = (vim.dvs.PortConnection) {
-->                switchUuid = "50 0e a3 1f ea 2a 4d 85-89 58 cc dd 4a 0e c5 a3",
-->                portgroupKey = "dvportgroup-28",
-->                portKey = "301",
-->                connectionCookie = 1458354535
-->             },
-->             portgroup = <unset>,
-->             mtu = 1500,
-->             tsoEnabled = <unset>,
-->             netStackInstanceKey = "defaultTcpipStack",
-->             opaqueNetwork = ( null,
-->             externalId = <unset>,
-->             pinnedPnic = <unset>,
-->             ipRouteSpec = ( {
-->                ipRouteConfig = ( {
-->                   defaultGateway = "",
-->                   gatewayDevice = <unset>,
-->                   ipV6DefaultGateway = "::",
-->                   ipV6GatewayDevice = <unset>
-->                }
-->             }
-->          }
-->       }
-->    ],
-->    consoleVnic = <unset>,
-->    dnsConfig = ( null,
-->    ipRouteConfig = ( null,
-->    consoleIpRouteConfig = ( null,
-->    routeTableConfig = ( null,
-->    dhcp = <unset>,
-->    nat = <unset>,
-->    ipV6Enabled = <unset>,
-->    netStackSpec = <unset>
--> }

2019-10-16T10:12:36.980Z error hostd[2101721] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc opID=jxnf909t-13914262-auto-8a8dr-h5:70741832-25-01-75-4d47-4d86 user=vpxuser] Cannot use IPv6 gateway with DHCPv6 or auto-conf
2019-10-16T10:12:36.980Z error hostd[2101721] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc.NetworkVmkSimulator opID=jxnf909t-13914262-auto-8a8dr-h5:70741832-25-01-75-4d47-4d86 user=vpxuser] Invalid ip spec
2019-10-16T10:12:36.980Z info hostd[2101721] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc opID=jxnf909t-13914262-auto-8a8dr-h5:70741832-25-01-75-4d47-4d86 user=vpxuser] Simulate failed

Note:The preceding log excerpts are only examples.Date,time and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5
VMware vSphere ESXi 6.7


ipv6Config is null but ipV6DefaultGateway is not null.


This has been resolved ESXI 6.7U 2 and ESXI 6.5 P04, once patched  to this version please extract the host-profile remediate again.  

To download go to Customer Connect


Additional Information

After patch update it requires to extract the host profile and remediation again.