ESXi syslog collection to a NFS datastore stops if the host is rebooted
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ESXi syslog collection to a NFS datastore stops if the host is rebooted


Article ID: 306940


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VMware vSphere ESXi


  • ESXi syslog collection to a NFS datastore stops if the host is rebooted.
  • This issue occurs when the ESXi syslog is configured to use a local NFS datastore (
  • After the host reboots, the .vmsyslogd.err log file (located at /var/log/) contains entries similar to:

    YYYY-MM-DDT08:57:37.262Z vmsyslog : CRITICAL] vmsyslogd daemon starting (2403)
    YYYY-MM-DDT08:58:43.134Z vmsyslog.config : ERROR ] Config error: Invalid config: could not create log directory
    YYYY-MM-DDT08:58:43.135Z vmsyslog : ERROR ] Exiting with parse failure
    YYYY-MM-DDT08:58:44.288Z vmsyslog.main : ERROR ] reloading (2403)
    YYYY-MM-DDT08:58:44.290Z vmsyslog.config : ERROR ] Config error: Invalid config: could not create log directory
    YYYY-MM-DDT08:58:44.290Z vmsyslog.config : ERROR ] Config error: Invalid config: invalid log directory: /vmfs/volumes/d126f0a0-4a8846fe/syslogs/esx001; will instead use default: /scratch/log.


VMware vSphere ESXi 5.0
VMware vSphere ESXi 5.1


This is a known issue affecting ESXi 5.0 and 5.1. Currently, there is no resolution.

To work around this issue, perform one of these options:
  • Manually restart syslog collection after the reboot by running this command on ESXi:

    esxcli system syslog reload.

  • Reconfigure syslog to use a VMFS datastore instead of a NFS datastore.
  • Send syslogs over a network to a remote syslog collector ( For example, you can use the syslog collector bundled with vSphere 5.x.

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