How to convert the TopSecret for z/VSE database from CKD to FBA disks.
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How to convert the TopSecret for z/VSE database from CKD to FBA disks.


Article ID: 30690


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Top Secret - VSE


How to convert the TopSecret for z/VSE database from CKD to FBA disks.


Component: TSSVSE


The conversion of the Top Secret for z/VSE database from CKD to FBA disks should be performed using the Top Secret utilities TSSXTEND and TSSMAINT

TSSXTEND is described in Appendix B of the Top Secret for z/VSE r3 Getting Started Guide. 

The procedure to use is: 

1. Backup the production  Top Secret Security File on the CKD device to the Top Secret Backup Security File on a CKD device using the TSS MODIFY BACKUP command.

2. Run TSSMAINS sample JCL to format the Top Secret Security File on a FBA device.

3. Run TSSMAINB sample JCL to format the Top Secret Backup Security File on a FBA device.

4. Run TSSXTEND to copy the Top Secret Backup Security File on the CKD device to a newly defined Top Secret Security File on a FBA device.

5. Update the STDLABELS system procedure to switch the labels to the new Top Secret Security File and Top Secret Backup Security File on the FBA device.

6. Do a temporary shutdown of the Top Secret partition and bring it back up to pickup the new Top Secret Security File and Top Secret Backup Security File on the FBA device.

7. Backup the new Top Secret Security File on a FBA device to the new Top Secret Backup Security File on a FBA device by issuing a TSS MODIFY BACKUP command

8. Please keep a backup copy of the Top Secret Backup Security File on the CKD device just in case you need to return to it for whatever reason.


Please see the Top Secret for z/VSE Getting started Guide for more details about TSSMAINS, TSSMAINB and TSSXTEND.