As of Release 18.0 the APFLIB is created and populated during the CONFIGURATION phase.
This loadlib is not defined to SMP/E.
During CONFIGURATION the client's custom SVC is assembled and linked into APFLIB and the non-SVC modules are copied from the SMP/E target loadlib (CAGJLOAD) to APFLIB.
All supported releases
As of release 19.0 the non-SVC modules in APFLIB are as follows:
The modules in this library are only loaded by CAIRIM.
Clients make the APFLIB modules available to CAIRIM by one of two methods.
They can APF authorize the APFLIB created during CONFIGURATION and then add it to the loadlibs used by CAIRIM.
They also can copy all of the APFLIB modules to a special loadlib that is APF authorized and defined to CAIRIM.
Either way is fine. The IDMS SVC and all of the other modules in APFLIB are always downward compatible so the latest versions of each should always be the ones loaded by CAIRIM.
IF a PTF updates any of these non-SVC modules, OR the main SVC processing module IDMSMSVC, only the loadmodule in the SMP/E Target Loadlib is updated by applying the PTF.
In order for the updated non-SVC module to be put into use, it must be copied from the SMP/E Target Loadlib to the APFLIB or whatever APF Authorized loadlib is used by CAIRIM.
If the PTF updates IDMSMSVC, then the client must recreate their custom SVC module IGCnnn and then make it available to CAIRIM using whatever method they use as referenced above. See Assembly and Link JCL for the SVC in JOB03 of the Configuration jobs.
If you can wait until IPL time to put the updated APFLIB module into use, then nothing further needs to be done.
If the updated APFLIB module needs to be refreshed immediately you then must run CAIRIM to refresh the module that was updated by the PTF.