Changing DSOP via CXXMAINT versus ALTER 1000 AREA
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Changing DSOP via CXXMAINT versus ALTER 1000 AREA


Article ID: 30679


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Datacom DATACOM - AD


DBUTLTY CXXMAINT ALTER DSOP was used to change DSOP ( area SPACE-MNGMNT attribute) to 4 .

After executing DDUPDATE to enable dynamic extend , as per below transactions, the DSOP change got reverted back.

-UPD AREA,area entity name(PROD)   
1000 ALTER                         
1500 DYNAMIC-EXTEND,T              
1500 DYN-EXT-TRACKS,nnnn           



Datacom 15.1 


CXXMAINT only updates the CXX , not Datadictionary . A subsequent catalog reverses back the change made by CXXMAINT.

DDUPDATE 1000 ALTER updates both the CXX and Datadictionary ( a database catalog is done under the covers)  .


For normal databases where Datadictionary has a current definition of this database,

the DSOP change can be made by

  • altering the DSOP value in Datadictionary and then catalog of the database if it can be closed or 
  • DDUPDATE 1000 ALTER transaction to update the DSOP with the base open to MUF and no outage

Additional Information

DDUPDATE transactions to change DSOP to 4 :

-UPD AREA,area entity name(PROD)      
1000 ALTER                            
1500 SPACE-MNGMNT,4                   
-UPD AREA,area entity name(PROD)      
1000 ENABLE