Determining the maintenance level for the SOLVE/Netmaster products has changed over time.
The /LEVELS and $$SYSPRO commands were useful for Service Packs, but we are no longer using that methodology.
While no single command is currently available that supplies a comprehensive answer, it is possible to verify that specific fixes are applied.
All SOLVE and Netmaster products
The simplest method is to issue this from the TSO command prompt.
From TSO, issue CAMODID HELP to see what's all available.
There are various options; DSN, DDN, or SYSTEM.
Please review the manual for additional information regarding all the ways in which you can invoke the command - TSO, batchjob, REXX, etc.
If you are using a STEPLIB in your active SOLVE / Netmaster STC, you can use this command
CAMODID DDN(STEPLIB) JOB(slv-netmasterstcname)
To check a specific LOAD library, use
CAMODID DSN(hlq.loadlib)
This will show a list of PTFs and FMIDs, so only the PTFs displayed are those that were that last applied to modules in the library.
4. To see all PTFs in the CSI, run an SMP/E query report and verify that the last few PTFs are included in your region.
5. Verifying fixes that are included in your VSAM files is more difficult. If the PTF was applied and the ++HOLD instructions followed
to copy the information into the VSAM file, verification is normally not necessary.
Netmaster 12.2 will show messages in the log indicating the latest PTFs applied to MODSDIS and PANLDIS. SOLVE products do
not have that functionality.
Please contact support for assistance if you suspect a problem in this area.