In ic-cisco-rf.asl the card description is specified as Redundant PRE as follows:
cardObj->Description = "Redundant PRE";
Redundant cards are named as "PRE". You can modify ic-cisco-rf.asl to rename the card, but functionality is not affected. This is the same as for any other Cisco device. The data is fetched from Cisco-RF MIB, and if redundant card is present, then it is created under cardredundancy group, and Status and standbystatus are computed from the RF MIB.
event AllComponentsDown
"Indicates that all of the components in the redundancy group are down"
= if (NumberOfComponents > 0)
check (IsEveryComponentDown && !IsGroupPartOfSingleUnresponsiveSystem);
Card Down event computation
problem Down
"Indicates that a failed card is the root cause."
-> CardDownSymptom
if "InstrumentedBy" > 0,
symptom CardDownSymptom
= OperationallyDown,
NetworkAdapter_Realizes_DownOrFlappingSymptom 0.9,
NetworkAdapter_Realizes_PeerDownOrFlappingSymptom 0.9,
NetworkAdapter_Realizes_Peer_PeerDownOrFlappingSymptom 0.9,
UnitaryComputerSystem_PackagesSystems_Down 0.9,
Card_ComposedOf_Down 0.9;