There is a limit on the number of LUNs accessible to an ESXi/ESX host. For ESXi/ESX 3.x and later, this limit is 256 LUNs. When the number of LUNs presented to the host exceeds this value, some LUNs will not be visible to the host.
Note: There is also a limit to the number of paths an ESXi/ESX host can have to storage LUNs. It is possible that the host may have a large number of paths per LUN that could also prevent the discovery of additional LUNs before the limit in quantity of LUNs is reached. For ESXi/ESX 3.x and later, this limit is 1024 paths per ESXi/ESX host.
For a more complete listing on storage limitations, see
ESXi/ESX Configuration Maximums (1003497).