This issue is fixed in NSXT 3.1.0 and higher
- Login to all 3 UA nodes go to following dir:
cd /opt/vmware/proton-tomcat/webapps/nsxapi/WEB-INF/lib
- Take backup of file nsx-realization-1.0.jar.
- Copy nsx-realization-1.0.jar to another Linux machine.
- On Linux machine where "jar" utility is installed, extract file from nsx-realization-1.0.jar.
jar xf nsx-realization-1.0.jar META-INF/spring/
- Edit the files to update properties:
vi META-INF/spring/
- Change value of property realization.realizationstate.maintenance.apiBatchSize to 100 and save.
- Update the jar files with the modified file:
jar uf nsx-realization-1.0.jar META-INF/spring/
- Copy modified JAR file in all 3 UA nodes in /opt/vmware/proton-tomcat/webapps/nsxapi/WEB-INF/lib
scp nsx-realization-1.0.jar root@<UA-IP>:/opt/vmware/proton-tomcat/webapps/nsxapi/WEB-INF/lib/
- On all 3 UA nodes check if file is copied properly in dir:
cd /opt/vmware/proton-tomcat/webapps/nsxapi/WEB-INF/lib/
ls -la | grep nsx-realization-1.0.jar
- Restart proton service in all UA nodes one by one:
systemctl restart proton
- Wait for the cluster to become stable, check cluster status using nsxcli:
get cluster status