Recommended minimum version for NSX-V to NSX-T migration
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Recommended minimum version for NSX-V to NSX-T migration


Article ID: 306210


Updated On:


VMware NSX


VMware recommends that all new migrations to NSX-T using Migration Coordinator should target a minimum version of NSX-T Data Center 3.2.3.


VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.x
VMware NSX-T Data Center


Please be aware of the following Migration Coordinator(MC) related Resolved Issues and Known Issues on NSX-T Data Center 3.2.2.

NSX-T Data Center 3.2.2

If you are concerned about any of the following Known Issues on 3.2.2, please open a Support Request to discuss workaround options.

Known Issues
Issue 3056723: Realization Failure for VRA BYOT(Bring Your Own Topology)
Realization failure for a VRA BYOT when the migrated topology contains a service Tier-1 which is not connected to Tier-0.
Error: "Check realization failed [Reason: vRA Map Plugin failed with ''tier0_path'']"
Workaround: Please contact Broadcom Support
Issue 3041862: VMs vmotion'd from NSX-v to NSX-T have a brief disruption to networking
Some vMotioned VMs may experience a brief network connectivity loss after the Edge migration stage.
1. GET /policy/api/v1/infra/connectivity-global-config
2. change the result payload by increasing the "arp_limit_per_gateway" value by 1 (e.g. 50000 to 50001) and setting global_replication_mode_enabled true
3. PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/connectivity-global-config with the changed payload as body
Issue 3064144: Post Edge cutover NSX-V workloads still resolve ARP to NSX-v ESG's MAC adress
This issue was introduced in 3.2.1 because NSX-v controllers are now kept powered on to allow a new ESXi host to be added during the host migration stage.
Workaround: Manually power off the NSX-v controller VMs immediately after the Edge migration.
Issue 3052309: VMotion for VMs on vDS portgroup are blocked
After a host is migrated from NSX-v to NSX-T, two NSX-v vDS VXLAN properties remain in the VC database.
A VC/host sync may be triggered by operations such host reboot, ESX upgrade, VDS upgrade, and VC upgrade.
This sync will push down the properties again to the host. The ESXi host rejects the sync operation because NSX-T runs on the host, VC marks the vDS on the host as out-of-sync.
Workaround: Move VMs to VLAN segment as segments are not impacted.

 Issue 3068305: Migration is blocked due to "Invalid NSX V Manager IP address"
 Error: "Config translation failed [Reason: [topology_plugin] Can not proceed with migration: Invalid NSX V Manager IP address <fqdn> is provided for mapping"
 Issue 3068283: Interruption to networking for one arm LB
 GARP may not be sent when services are brought up on NSX-T after a V2T migration, the old ARP proxy entry will be kept for a while in the ARP cache leading to the connectivity issue until the APR expires.

Resolved Issues

Fixed Issue 2970087: NSX-T Groups are missing members
After migration to 3.2.x, multiple Groups are missing static and dynamic members impacting DFW enforcement.
The failure to fetch the VMs associated with the security groups is due to an NSX-T API pagination issue.

Fixed Issue 3016323: ESXi host profile creation fails
After MC migration, vCenter errors when users attempt to extract the ESXi host profile.
Error: "A specified parameter was not correct: host Please extract profile from a host that has a vnic attached to a dvPortgroup. Extract is not allowed for a vnic directly connected to a dvs"

Fixed Issue 3002114: Hosts previously migrated to NSX-T fail to upgrade
In environments running vSphere versions prior to vSphere 7, NSX MC creates an NVDS on ESXi hosts.
The MC then migrates vmkernel interfaces to the NVDS.
In an environment where Service Insertion is deployed, NSX upgrade on ESXi hosts will fail.

Fixed Issue 2996964: Migration fails during the host migration stage
Migration fails during the host migration stage of V2T with VDS of 7.0 and later.
Error: "uplink name is not found in the list of UplinkHostSwitchProfile"

Fixed Issue 2986823: VMs have all zero MAC addresses and lose network connectivity
Post migration, VMs on NSX-v and NSX-T have no connectivity.
This issue occurs in environments running vSphere versions prior to vSphere 7.
If there is a failure at the host migration and that stage is retried after making changes to configuration then this issue may be observed.

Fixed Issue 2986638: Performance and Latency issues seen after migration to NSX-T
This is caused by QoS profile applying maximum bandwidth limit of 100 Mbps.

Fixed Issue 2934361: Unable to migrate vRA deployed networks
Unable to migrate vRA deployed networks from v2T, when the ESGs are connected to DVPGs.
Error: "Config translation failed [Reason : [TOPOLOGY] Can not proceed with migration: South ESG edge-XX interface in 1 ARM candidate not connected to DLR]"