Migration to vRealize Automation 7.x fails on the primary web node with error "UpgradeGovernance -v" exited with code 1" while "Migrating Approval Policies And Entitlements"
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Migration to vRealize Automation 7.x fails on the primary web node with error "UpgradeGovernance -v" exited with code 1" while "Migrating Approval Policies And Entitlements"


Article ID: 306142


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • When migrating from vRealize Automation 6.2.x to 7.x the primary Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Web component node fails
  • Similar error message(s) can be seen within the IaaS Migrate.log
Warning: Non-zero return code. Command failed.
C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Server\Model Manager Data\DeployRepository.xml(716,2): error MSB3073: The command ""D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Server\Model Manager Data\Cafe\Vcac-Config.exe" UpgradeGovernance -v" exited with code 1.
*Done Building Project "D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Server\Model Manager Data\DeployRepository.xml" (UpgradeBlueprints target(s)) -- FAILED.


VMware vRealize Automation 7.x


  • As a migration prerequisite, the number of tenants in the Source and Target environments should be the same

  • The error maybe encountered if the Target environment is missing one or more tenants


This issue is resolved in vRealize Automation 7.5.

A workaround is provided below for this issue:

Validate the name of tenants on both Source and Target environments:

  • Within the Source environment:
  1. Connect to Source vRealize Automation vPostgres database:
su - postgres
psql -d vcac
  1. Find the list of Tenants:
select * from tenant;
  • Within the Target environment:
  1. Connect to Target vRealize Automation vPostgres database:
su - postgres
psql -d vcac
  1. Find the list of Tenants:
set schema 'saas';
select * from "Organizations";
Note: strOrganization column of above table is the Tenant information. The tenants in 6.2.x 'tenant' table will match to the 7.x 'Organizations' table.