Inventory sync not happening on NSX manager due to duplicate entries for dvpg and vnic relation
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Inventory sync not happening on NSX manager due to duplicate entries for dvpg and vnic relation


Article ID: 306106


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VMware NSX for vSphere


  1. Inventory sync keeps failing and VC disconnection keeps happening with inventory thread. As a result, inventory stops getting updated
  2. vsm logs on NSX manager have the following error:

    WARN ViInventoryThread SqlExceptionHelper:129 - SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 23505
    ERROR ViInventoryThread SqlExceptionHelper:131 - ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "domain_object_relationships_pkey"
    Detail: Key (source_id, target_id, relationship)=(dvportgroup-xxxxxx, <vnic id>, dependent_dependency) already exists.


VMware NSX for vSphere 6.4.x


While associating dvpg with VM/vnic, the operation can fail and also cause inventory sync failure. This is in case, relationship between dvpg and vnic already exists in NSX manager DB.


The issue has been fixed in NSX version 6.4.4 by checking first for existence of relationship between dvpg id and vnic.
If such relationship exists, the step to create the same relationship is skipped.



  1. Take NSX manager backup
  2. Stop NSX manager (/etc/init.d/bluelane-manager stop)
  3. Delete entry from domain_object_relationships for target and source for which 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint' is getting logged in vsm.log
  4. Start NSX manager (/etc/init.d/bluelane-manager start)