Duplicate IP detected for DLR Control VM. The alert can be seen in NSX Manager Events, vsm logs, vRNI or similar monitoring solution.
vsm.log has INFO Alerts similar to :
INFO SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-1 EventServiceImpl:128 - - [nsxv@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="manager"] [SystemEvent] Time:'Fri Aug 31 02:34:35.000 CEST 2018', Severity:'Critical', Event Source:'edge-<vmname>', Code:'30157', Event Message:'NSX Edge edge-e3a0f320-088c-40f1-9682-8e####### detected duplicate IP #.#.#.# with macAddress null', Module:'vShield Edge Appliance', Universal Object:'false'
Issue is resolved in NSX 6.4.2 - Fixed Issue 2139594
There is no work around for this behavior