'AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'' 1603 error while upgrading vCenter Server 6.7 with a SQL database and Windows Authentication
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'AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'' 1603 error while upgrading vCenter Server 6.7 with a SQL database and Windows Authentication


Article ID: 305921


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Upgrading from vCenter Server 6.7.x to vCenter Server 6.7 Update 1 fails with 1603 when using a SQL database and Windows Authentication. In vminst-con.log file, you will see entries similar to:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\vpxd\py\vcdb_update_hci.py", line 326, in <module>
    if not main():
  File "C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\vpxd\py\vcdb_update_hci.py", line 322, in main
    return doWork(getDBConnection(getConnectionString()))
  File "C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\vpxd\py\vcdb_update_hci.py", line 142, in getConnectionString
  File "C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\vpxd\py\vcdb_update_hci.py", line 82, in decodeStr
    return inputString.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
  • Once the update fails, rollback also will fail and vsphere-client service or vsphere-ui service will never start. In vsphere_client_virgo.log file, you will see entries similar to:
[2018-12-04T17:24:59.711-08:00] [ERROR] GiLogServiceListener@ee251b8  org.osgi.service.log.LogService                                   Bundle org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.services_3.7.2.RELEASE, FrameworkEvent ERROR org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle "org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.services_3.7.2.RELEASE [35]" could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Import-Package: org.springframework.beans.factory; version="[2.5.6,5.0.0)"
 at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.getResolverError(AbstractBundle.java:1332)
 at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.getResolutionFailureException(AbstractBundle.java:1316)
 at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWorker(BundleHost.java:323)
 at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.resume(AbstractBundle.java:390)
 at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.resumeBundle(Framework.java:1176)
 at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.setBundleSL(StartLevelManager.java:670)
 at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.dispatchEvent(StartLevelManager.java:435)
 at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.dispatchEvent(StartLevelManager.java:1)
 at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager.dispatchEvent(EventManager.java:230)
 at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager$EventThread.run(EventManager.java:340)
[2018-12-04T17:34:59.723-08:00] [ERROR] startup-tracker               org.eclipse.virgo.nano.core.internal.StartupTracker               Kernel has failed to start before the timeout of 600 seconds. 
[2018-12-04T17:34:59.726-08:00] [ERROR] startup-tracker               org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default                         KE0004E Kernel failed to start within 600 seconds.


VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x


In the case of Windows authentication, the vCenter server installer is unable to determine the database password and hence cannot successfully connect to the database.


This issue "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'" 1603 error while upgrading vCenter Server 6.7 with a SQL database and Windows Authenticationis is resolved in vCenter Server 6.7 U2.

Available at Broadcom Downloads.


To workaround this issue you can change the SQL authentication mode from Windows to SQL Server prior to starting the update. Please consult the following KB article on how to change vCenter Server database credentials. 

Additional Information

For more information see: Changing the vCenter Server database user ID and password (1006482)

Once the upgrade fails the roll back may be incomplete. You will need to revert the vCenter from a backup or snapshot to restore operation.