After changing the expired certificate VMware vSphere Web Client fails to display the VMware vCenter Server inventory
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After changing the expired certificate VMware vSphere Web Client fails to display the VMware vCenter Server inventory


Article ID: 305848


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Objects such as hosts or virtual machines are not displayed in the VMware vSphere Web Client.
  • Objects are displayed on VMware vSphere client.
  • In the vSphere_client_virgo.log located at Web Client Server log, you see error similar to:

    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO] Reading VcDirectory file on the disk.
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO] VcDirectory file not found.
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO] No data in VcDirectory file.
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO] No vc's found in the directory.
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> WARN[WARN] Type cannot be resolved for ManagedObjectReference: type = VcDirectory, value = VcDirectory, serverGuid = VcDirectory
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO]http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 com.vmware.vise.util.i18n.I18nFilter The preferred locale for session 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 is set to: de_AT
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO]http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 Authenticating user: admin@system-domain using authentication handler: $Proxy359
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO]http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 Acquiring a SAML token for user admin@system-domain from
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO]http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 com.vmware.vim.sso.client.impl.SamlTokenImpl SAML token for subject {Name: admin, Domain: System-Domain} successfully parsed from Element
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO]http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 com.vmware.vim.sso.client.impl.SecurityTokenServiceImpl Successfully acquired token for user: admin@system-domain
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO]http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 SSO authentication successful for session : 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO]http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 Authenticating user: admin@system-domain using authentication handler: $Proxy359
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO[INFO]http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 Logging in to LinkedVcGroupRegistry for session 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO [INFO ] http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 Reading VcDirectory file on the disk.
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO [INFO ] http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 VcDirectory file not found.
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO [INFO ] http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 No data in VcDirectory file.
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> INFO [INFO ] http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 No vc's found in the directory.
    <YYYY-MM-DD><time> ERROR [ERROR] http-bio-443-exec-3 1C2CDD8D4C105150582CEFD7C0857048 Error when fetching vc's from LookupService. com.vmware.vim.binding.vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument: null
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
  • Running ssolscli.cmd listServices https://FQDN:7444/lookupservice/sdk to list the services registered with SSO reports the error:

    Return code 100: OperationFailed


VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x


This issue occurs when the expired VMware vCenter Single Sign-On (SS0) Service ID and Service End Point from the SSO Database are not removed, after re-registering vCenter Server with new certificate.


To resolve the issue, remove the old vCenter Server instance from the Single Sign-On database.

To remove the old vCenter Server instance from the SSO database:

  1. Identify the current vCenter Server instance in the vpxd.cfg file located at C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter.
  2. Open vpxd.cfg file using text editor. You can see the current vCenter Server instance ID and name:


    Note: Take a backup of the RSA (Single sign on) database before editing.
  3. Stop the vCenter Single Sign-on service (SSO).
  4. Log in to the SQL Management Studio and go to the RSA (SSO) database.
  5. Expand Tables.
  6. Right-click LS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT table and click Edit Top 200 Rows.

    In the last column you see the service ID, look for the two entries associated to vCenter Server.

    For example:


    20 <Binary data> 0 19
    23 <Binary data> 0 23

  7. Right-click and delete the row with old value ( row 1 in the above example).
  8. Expand Tables.
  9. Right-click LS_SERVICE table and click Edit Top 200 Rows.

    In the first column you see the service ID, look for the two entries associated to vCenter Server.

    For example:

    19 vCenterServer_2013.01.15_092833@System-Domain 5.1 vCenter Server vCenterService urn:vc NULL
    23 vCenterServer_2014.07.09_165913@System-Domain
    5.1 vCenter Server vCenterService urn:vc NULL

  10. Right-click and delete the row with the old ID.
  11. Start the vCenter Single Sign-on service (SSO) service and login in to the Web Client to test if the issue is resolved.

Additional Information

有効期限の切れた証明書を変更すると、VMware vSphere Web Client で VMware vCenter Server のインベントリが表示されなくなる