vCenter Single Sign-On fails to connect to a Microsoft SQL instance
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vCenter Single Sign-On fails to connect to a Microsoft SQL instance


Article ID: 305826


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • During the installation vCenter Single Sign-On fails to access a remote Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 database.
  • You may see the errors:

    • Login failed for user 'xxx'
    • No Database Name provided

  • Multiple database instances are running on the same Microsoft SQL Server


VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x


By default, the installer tries to access default MS SQL port 1433. However, only the default instance of SQL Server uses this port. By default, all SQL named instances use a dynamic port.


To resolve this issue, set the port for the instance to a static port.
To set the port for the instance to a static port:
  1. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  2. Navigate to SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for the instance name.
  3. Double-click TCP/IP.
  4. Click the IP address tab and scroll to the bottom where you see the dynamic port used by the instance.
  5. Change the port to a static port.

    Note: If it is a dynamic port, it may change if the server is rebooted or if the service is restarted. VMware recommends manually setting a static port number for the instance.

  6. Restart the SQL instance to apply the change.

    Note: From the SSO installer, you do not to specify the port anywhere. The instance accesses the database located in the instance using the configured port.

Additional Information

In the event that you cannot change the port that the SQL Server is listening, you may also change the port vCenter Single Sign-On uses to communicate with SQL Server. For more information, see Updating the vCenter Single Sign-On server database configuration (2045528).Updating the vCenter Single Sign-On server database configuration
vCenter Single Sign-On のインストールが次のエラーで失敗する:The TCP/IP connection to the host, port 1433 has failed
vCenter Single Sign-On が Microsoft SQL インスタンスへの接続に失敗する
vCenter Single Sign-On 无法连接到 Microsoft SQL 实例