Applying a host profile fails with the error: Cannot apply the host configuration
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Applying a host profile fails with the error: Cannot apply the host configuration


Article ID: 305802


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VMware vCenter Server


  • Cannot apply a host profile
  • Applying a host profile fails
  • When applying a host profile, you see the error:

    Cannot apply the host configuration.
    Error: AddVmknic Failed: Error: Unable to retrieve DVS info for dvs name: Invalid_DVS_Name. No such DVSwitch: Invalid_DVS_Name


VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x


This issue occurs if there is a space in the name of the Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS) that is part of the host profile. For example, My iSCSI Storage.


To resolve this issue, rename any Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS), so that there is no space within the name.

To rename the Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS):

  1. Log in to the vSphere Client as an administrator.
  2. Click Home > Networking.
  3. Right-click the Distributed Virtual Switch and click Rename.
  4. Rename the Distributed Virtual Switch to remove any spaces in the name.