Single Sign-On (SSO) Open LDAP authentication fails with the error: Parsing Subject Failed
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Single Sign-On (SSO) Open LDAP authentication fails with the error: Parsing Subject Failed


Article ID: 305675


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VMware vCenter Server


  • Signing in to vCenter Server using Open LDAP credentials with Single Sign-On using a username containing special characters fails with the error:

    Parsing Subject Failed

  • In the vpxd.log file, you see errors similar to:

    YYYY-10-25T09:27:06.627-07:00 [05140 info '[SSO]' opID=88FF974F-00000004-b4] [UserDirectorySso] Authenticate([email protected], "not shown")
    YYYY-10-25T09:27:07.518-07:00 [05140 error '[SSO]' opID=88FF974F-00000004-b4] [UserDirectorySso] AcquireToken SsoException: Failed to parse the UPN NameID: [email protected]
    YYYY-10-25T09:27:07.518-07:00 [05140 error 'authvpxdUser' opID=88FF974F-00000004-b4] Failed to authenticate user [email protected]


VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x


This issue occurs because Single Sign-On does not currently authenticate usernames which contain these special characters:
  • ^
  • *
  • $
  • ;
  • "
  • )
  • <
  • >
  • &
  • |
  • @


This is a known issue affecting vCenter Server 5.1.
This issue is resolved in vCenter Server 5.5 for all characters, except @. You can download the latest release from the VMware Download Center.

To work around this issue when you are unable to upgrade, avoid using special characters in the username format for OpenLDAP if possible.

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