Registering a vCenter Server 5.0 system with the vSphere 5.1 Web Client
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Registering a vCenter Server 5.0 system with the vSphere 5.1 Web Client


Article ID: 305672


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VMware vCenter Server


This article provides information on and steps to register a vCenter Server system with the vSphere Web Client.

Note: For more information, see the vCenter Server and Host Management Guide. This guide contains definitive information. If there is a discrepancy between the guide and the article, assume the guide is correct.


VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x


To enable connectivity to a vCenter Server 5.0 system with the vSphere Web Client 5.1, you need to register it with the vSphere Web Client using the vSphere Web Client Administration Tool.

The vSphere Web Client is a Web application that can reside either on the same system as vCenter Server or a separate system. Before you can connect to a vCenter Server 5.0 system with the vSphere Web Client, you must register the vCenter Server 5.0 system with the vSphere Web Client. Unregister a vCenter Server system when you no longer want users to be able to access it using a particular instance of the vSphere Web Client.

You need not register vCenter Server 5.1 systems that use the same vCenter Single Sign On server as the vSphere Web Client. The vSphere Web Client can locate such vCenter Server systems by using VMware Lookup Service.

vSphere Web Client does not support vCenter Sever systems prior to 5.0.

  • You can register multiple vCenter Server systems with a single vSphere Web Client.
  • Register a given vCenter Server system with only one vSphere Web Client instance, rather than using multiple vSphere Web Client instances to manage that vCenter Server system.

Registering a vCenter Server system with the vSphere Web Client

  • Log in to the system on which the vSphere Web Client is installed. You cannot register a vCenter Server system with the client from a remote system.
  • Ensure that you have login credentials with Administrator privileges for the vCenter Server system that you are registering.
  • If you want to use the server IP address to access the vSphere Web Client and your browser uses a proxy, add the server IP address to the list of proxy exceptions.

To register a vCenter Server system with the vSphere Web Client:

  1. Enter the URL for the administration tool, https://localhost:9443/admin-app or, to access the administration tool. The default port used by the vSphere Web Client is 9443. However, this may have been changed during installation. If necessary, replace the port with the one used during installation.
  2. Click Register vCenter Server.
  3. In the vCenter Server name or IP text box, enter the server name or IP address of the vCenter Server system. Do not include http:// or https://.
  4. In the User name field, enter the user name used to connect to the vCenter Server system.
  5. Enter the password.
  6. In the vSphere Web Client server name or IP field, enter the IP address or host name of the machine where the vSphere Web Client is installed.

    For example:
    or 10.111.123.xx.

    Note: Do not use the localhost URL for the vSphere Web Client. If you enter the localhost URL, the license reporting functionality will not be available in the vSphere Client, unless the vSphere Web Client and vCenter Server are installed on the same system.

  7. Click Register.

You can now use this instance of the client to log in to the vCenter Server system. In the Web browser, open https://client-hostname:port/vsphere-client/ to access the vSphere Web Client and log in to the client, where client-hostname is the host name or IP address of the machine where vSphere Web Client is installed and port is the port used by vSphere Web Client

Registering a vCenter Server with the vSphere Web Client from the command-line when using the vCenter Server Appliance

To register a vCenter Server system with the vSphere Web Client installed as part of a vCenter Server Appliance, you must use the admin-app command-line script, rather than the Web-based administration tool.

Run this command on the vCenter Server Appliance:

/usr/lib/vmware-vsphere-client/scripts/ register https://WebClient_IPorHostName:WebClient_HttpsPort/vsphere-client VC_IPVC_Admin-UserVC_Admin-Passwd

For example:

/usr/lib/vmware-vsphere-client/scripts/ register administrator 'PASSWORD'

Note: If you use any special characters for the administrator password, you must enclose the password in single quotes.

Unregistering a vCenter Server system from the vSphere Web Client

You can unregister a vCenter Server system from the vSphere Web Client if you no longer want users to use that vSphere Web Client instance to connect to the vCenter Server system.


  • Log in to the system on which the vSphere Web Client is installed. You cannot unregister a vCenter Server system from a remote system.
  • Ensure that you have login credentials with Administrator privileges for the vCenter Server system that you are registering.

To unregister a vCenter Server system from the vSphere Web Client:

  1. Open a Web browser and enter the URL for the administration tool: https://localhost:9443/admin-app or

    Note: Use the localhost or loopback address to access the administration tool, instead of using the server IP address.

  2. Select the vCenter Server system to unregister.
  3. Click Unregister vCenter Server.
  4. Enter the username and password and click Unregister.