Requirement for accessing Skyline Advisor
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Requirement for accessing Skyline Advisor


Article ID: 305573


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Skyline Advisor is a self-service web application that allows customers to view their proactive findings and recommendations on-demand, within a web browser.

Skyline Advisor is available to customers who have installed and configured the Skyline Collector. Customers use Skyline Advisor to view account details, inventory details, findings discovered by VMware Skyline, proactive recommendations, and transfer support log bundles using Skyline Log Assist.

Prerequisites: Note: Skyline Advisor is not supported on IE.
  • Users need to be added to the Cloud Services Organization with Skyline Advisor service and Skyline Administrator or Skyline User role. See Manage Skyline Advisor User.


VMware Skyline Advisor 2.x


Accessing Skyline Advisor:
  • Go to Skyline Advisor and log in to Cloud Services.
    • You can use your existing ‘Customer Connect’ credentials to log in to VMware Cloud Services. You do not need to create a new account.
  • If there are multiple Organizations created and the default organization selected in Cloud Services is not configured with Skyline, you will receive an error: “Unauthorized Access. Either your account is not registered with Skyline or you don't have necessary privilege to access Skyline Advisor.” Please go to KB81580 and follow the 3rd point under Resolution to resolve this.

Additional Information

Installing and configuring the Skyline Collector is required as part of the proactive support service offered by VMware. To get started with Skyline, use the VMware Skyline Get-Started Wizard .