ESXi 7.0 is disconnecting and reconnecting back to vCenter.
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ESXi 7.0 is disconnecting and reconnecting back to vCenter.


Article ID: 305083


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi



  • ESXi is disconnecting and reconnecting back to vCenter.
  • vCenter Server shows ESX/ESXi host(s) as not responding
  • seeing the following within vpxa.log is located on the ESXi host in /var/run/log/vpxa.log
    2024-01-09T05:26:47.289Z warning vpxa[7513880] [Originator@6876 sub=IO.Connection] Failed to write buffer to stream; <io_obj p:0x0000007d12e169b8, h:14, <TCP ' : 34970'>, <TCP ' : 8307'>> e: 105(No buffer space available), async: true, duration: 0msec
    2024-01-09T05:26:47.289Z info vpxa[7513880] [Originator@6876 sub=IO.Http] Set user agent error; state: 3, <io_obj p:0x0000007d12e169b8, h:14, <TCP ' : 34970'>, <TCP ' : 8307'>>, N7Vmacore15SystemExceptionE(No buffer space available)
    --> [context]zKq7AVICAgAAABAEVQEJdnB4YQAA0kIXbGlidm1hY29yZS5zbwAAHKAtALP1MgBPVi4AzMctAFQDLgACET8BO30AbGlicHRocmVhZC5zby4wAAJt0Q5saWJjLnNvLjYA[/context]
    2024-01-09T05:26:47.289Z error vpxa[7513868] [Originator@6876 sub=vpxaVmomi] Got exception when invoking VMOMI method; <<last binding: <<TCP ' :34970'>, <TCP ' : 8307'>>>, /sdk>, vim.vm.guest.GuestOperationsManager.GetProcessManager, N7Vmacore15SystemExceptionE(No buffer space available)
    --> [context]zKq7AVICAgAAABAEVQEJdnB4YQAA0kIXbGlidm1hY29yZS5zbwAAHKAtALP1MgBPVi4AzMctAFQDLgACET8BO30AbGlicHRocmVhZC5zby4wAAJt0Q5saWJjLnNvLjYA[/context]
    2024-01-09T05:26:47.289Z error vpxa[7513880] [Originator@6876 sub=IO.Http] User agent failed to send request; <io_obj p:0x0000007d12e169b8, h:-1, <TCP ' : 34970'>, <TCP ' : 8307'>>, N7Vmacore15SystemExceptionE(No buffer space available)
    --> [context]zKq7AVICAgAAABAEVQEJdnB4YQAA0kIXbGlidm1hY29yZS5zbwAAHKAtALP1MgBPVi4AzMctAFQDLgACET8BO30AbGlicHRocmVhZC5zby4wAAJt0Q5saWJjLnNvLjYA[/context]
    error vpxa[7513868] [Originator@6876 sub=hostdcnx] Exception in connecting to hostd - Shutting down; [17VpxaClientAdapter:0x0000007d12de1f40], N5Vmomi5Fault17HostCommunication9ExceptionE(Fault cause: vmodl.fault.HostCommunication
    --> )
    --> [context]zKq7AVICAgAAABAEVQERdnB4YQAA0kIXbGlidm1hY29yZS5zbwABQjUYdnB4YQABiQwaAZ0NGgJcDBNsaWJ2bW9taS5zbwCDjVYVAWxpYnZpbS10eXBlcy5zbwABlKgmAbK9JgE/xiYBl
    2024-01-09T05:26:47.291Z error vpxa[7513868] [Originator@6876 sub=vpxaInvtHostCnx] Can't connect to hostd. Shutting down...
    2024-01-09T05:26:47.291Z info vpxa[7513868] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] [Vpxa] Shutting down now


  •  seeing the following within syslog.log is located on the ESXi host in /var/run/log/syslog.log
    syslog.0:2024-01-09T05:17:33.306Z watchdog-vpxa[7511409]: '/usr/lib/vmware/vpxa/bin/vpxa ++min=0,swapscope=system -D /etc/vmware/vpxa' exited after 129 seconds 1
    syslog.1:2024-01-09T04:14:15.211Z watchdog-vpxa[7495454]: '/usr/lib/vmware/vpxa/bin/vpxa ++min=0,swapscope=system -D /etc/vmware/vpxa' exited after 1 seconds (quick failure 6) 1


  • Within the vmkernel log seeing 'No buffer space available' /var/run/log/vmkernel.log
    2024-01-09T05:50:03.942Z cpu47:2098709)CMMDSNet: CMMDSNetSendtoUnicastChannels:1486: Throttled: 527060c6-f251-08bb-264d-92011463fbee: Failed to send to unicast host 'XX.XXx.X.XX;12321' on iface 'XX.XXx.X.XX': No buffer space available.





VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0


heap usage goes beyond 1024 MB.


This will be fixed in the future release.


 To workaround this issue, increase heap usage goes beyond 1024 MB. You can use below cli to set the heap size (please note that a reboot is required for the changes to take effect)

  1. SSH to ESXi host
  2. Run the below command to increase the heap value
    esxcfg-advcfg -s 2048 /Net/TcpipHeapMax
  3. Reboot the Host