Shutting down or rebooting an ESXi 5.0 host via the DCUI fails
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Shutting down or rebooting an ESXi 5.0 host via the DCUI fails


Article ID: 304904


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


  • Shutting down or rebooting an ESXi 5.0 host via the DCUI fails intermittently.
  • The shutdown process appears to fail when stopping sfcbd.
  • In the syslog.log file, you see entries similar to:

    DCUI: pam_per_user: create_subrequest_handle(): doing map lookup for user "root"
    DCUI: pam_per_user: create_subrequest_handle(): creating new subrequest (user="root", service="system-auth-generic")
    DCUI: Authentication of user root succeeded
    DCUI: User root logged in
    DCUI: Rebooting host
    DCUI: Initializing vobuser library
    init: starting pid 3516, tty '': '/usr/lib/vmware/vmksummary/ stop'
    init: starting pid 3519, tty '': '/sbin/'
    VMware[shutdown]: Stoppin.g VMs
    root: init Running wsman stop
    root: openwsmand Stopping openwsmand
    watchdog-openwsmand: Watchdog for openwsmand is now 3238
    watchdog-openwsmand: Terminating watchdog process with PID 3238
    watchdog-openwsmand: [3238] Signal received: exiting the watchdog
    root: init Running sfcbd stop
    root: init Running sfcbd-watchdog stop
    sfcbd-watchdog: Terminating watchdog process with PID 3182
    sfcbd-watchdog: stopping sfcbd pid
    sfcbd: Stopping sfcbd

    esxcfg-dumppart: DiagnosticPartition: Unable to copy the dump partition: Couldn't find a valid VMKernel dump file. Dump partition might be uninitialized.
    jumpstart: unable to create session: Operation not permitted
    jumpstart: dependencies for plugin 'restore-host-cache' not met (missing: vcfs)


VMware vSphere ESXi 5.0


This issue is resolved in ESXi 5.0 Update 3, available at VMware Downloads.

If you cannot update the host, use one of these methods as a workaround:
  • Use the vSphere Client to shut down or reboot the ESXi host.
  • Power off the virtual machines on the ESXi host before attempting to shut down or reboot.
If the shutdown/reboot operation still fails after attempting the workarounds:
  1. Stop hostd by running the /etc/init.d/hostd stop command.
  2. Power off or reboot the host.