When trying to run my Ideal program, I receive an error IDADOMLD02E. What causes this?
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When trying to run my Ideal program, I receive an error IDADOMLD02E. What causes this?


Article ID: 30483


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When trying to run a program in Ideal - batch or online - using load modules, I receive an Internal error similar to this:

        *****  START OF IDEAL ERROR LOG ON 05/09/15  AT  09:08:49  *****
        1-IDADERRP99E - INTERR: Internal system error                                                                                
        SRVC=LOG FUNC=         RC=       PGM=ADOMLD  14.0 +1C5A
        SYS=RHS ENTTYP=PGM ENTNAM=xxxxxxxx           ENTVER=000  ENTSTAT=PROD
        LOGMSG: 1-IDADOMLD02E - Load module xxxxxxxx cannot be loaded
        *******  END OF IDEAL ERROR LOG ON 05/09/15  AT  09:08:49  *****



The most common reason for this error is that the load module (xxxxxxxx) cannot be found in the STEPLIB/JOBLIB of the batch job, or it cannot be found in the DFHRPL concatenation for the CICS region.

If the failure is in a batch job, review the loadlibs used by the job to be sure the module is found. If there has been maintenance to the Ideal proc or the loadlibs, the module may have been removed and needs to be restored or CREATEed in Ideal.

If the failure is in CICS, please check the following to be sure load modules can be used appropriately:

  • Check to be sure that the desired load module is available in CICS. Issue this command:
    CEMT I PROG(xxxxxxxx)
    to see if you have a load module available from the DFHRPL concatenation.
  • Check that the CICS region will autoinstall the CA Ideal application programs. Issue this command:
    and look in the second column for Progautoinst(Autoactive). If you are not using autoinstall, you must have a Program (PPT) entry for each module.

  • Check that your Ideal environment is set up to use load modules. Look at the IDOPTS member (typically in CUSMAC) for the LMTBLD setting, which will have a value of DD as the default, or it will have some other value than "NO".

If these three items are confirmed, and the failure is related to a recent upgrade, please try the following before contacting support:

  • Issue the Ideal commands
    REFRESH PROGRAM xxxxxxxx and/or
    REFRESH PANEL xxxxxxxx

  • Recycle the CICS region, using a COLD start.

If these are not successful in resolving the problem, please open a case with Broadcom Ideal product support, and provide a screen print of the CEMT commands, above, and a copy of the  Ideal options.