Merging 2 Dispatch regions into 1.
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Merging 2 Dispatch regions into 1.


Article ID: 30476


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Dispatch Output Mgmt


The following document contains information and documentation references for things you need to know in case you might be considering merging two separate Dispatch regions into one single region.


11.7, Dispatch, merge, archive, utility, regions, information, two, into, one


Special needs utility


  • We don't have a readily available canned utility or documented procedure for merging two separate Dispatch regions into one region.                        

Merging 2 separate Dispatch regions into a single Dispatch region is potentially a big and time consuming project. There are a number of things that will have to be considered and possibly a large number of tasks involved to accomplish a MERGE.


MERGE 2 Dispatch regions into 1 - Basic Preliminary Considerations:

  1. Both regions MUST be the same release.
  2. Space, file sizes, file utilization percentages. Will SYSA's data FIT into SYSB's files or are we going to have to increase the  sizes of SYSB's files first? To determine, compare...

   - Run DSEXSTAT against both regions

   - Obtain SPLn,STAT X output from both regions.

  1. Important KEYS to whether or not you will be able to move the archive information from SYSA over to SYSB are: 

   - Tape Management Systems ability to recognize SYSA's VOLSERS.

   - Physically compatible UNITS to mount the VOLSERS on.

   - Ability to ship or move the physical tape/cart volsers to SYSB's actual location.


Merge 2 Dispatch regions into 1 - More Detailed - Action Items:



Determine space usage in the online viewing related areas of the Dispatch region you will be merging the OLV data into. We'll call that "SYSB" ...

  • Check the CADZSPLx task outputs on BOTH systems and identify the SATURATION percentages for each. You also need to know the total amount of existing allocated LDS space (In CYLINDERS) for each region. This information can be obtained by issuing the SPLn,STAT X command and/or by reviewing the CADZSPLx tasks logs to see the output from the automatically issued STAT X command at start up.

Since there is a 2gig limit on the size of any 1 LDS file. You may not be able to fit all the OLV information from SYSA into SYSB's existing LDS environment so you may need to APPEND additional LDS's. The maximum size for an LDS while staying below the 2gig limit is approx. 2900cyls on a 3390.

If you have to append additional LDS files on SYSB before merging in the OLV data, refer to the CA Dispatch 11.7 System Programmers guide Chapter 7: CADDSPL Operation - starting on or about page 195 where we document the procedure to "Add an Appended LDS".

  • You also need to determine how full the OV database files are for both Dispatch regions and how many BLOCKS you have allocated for each. To do this run the DSEXSTAT job against both Dispatch regions so we can see how many blocks are allocated for each OV file and the utilization percentage of each regions OV-AREA. When you run this job, make sure you have it setup so that it reports on ALL of the database files.

If it is determined that the OV database file on SYSB is not large enough to merge the OLV data from SYSA into, then you will have to follow the documented procedures for increasing the size of the OV database file. These procedures are documented in the CA Dispatch 11.7 System Programmers guide Chapter 6: Migrating the Report Distribution Database.

To "MERGE" the information in online viewing, you will need to run the LDS unload job against Dispatch on SYSA and the LDS reload job against Dispatch on SYSB.

The LDS UNLOAD job is documented on page 536 in the CA-Dispatch System Programmers Guide in the section entitled DSEXULD(L) UNLOAD OLV/LDS UTILITY. See this section for details on this process.                              

The LDS RELOAD job is documented on page 522 in the CA-Dispatch System Programmers Guide in the section entitled DSEXRLD RELOAD OLV/LDS UTILITY.  See this section for details on this process.


  • You need to determine how full the RD database files are for both Dispatch regions and how many BLOCKS you have allocated for each. To do this run the DSEXSTAT job against both Dispatch regions so we can see how many blocks are allocated for each RD file and the utilization percentage of each regions RD-AREA (You can use the DSEXSTAT output from above if you ran it against ALL of the database files).

If it is determined that the RD database file on SYSB is not large enough to merge the data from SYSA into, then you will have to follow the documented procedures for increasing the size of the RD database file. These procedures are documented in the Dispatch 11.7 System Programmers guide Chapter 6: Migrating the Report Distribution Database.

To "MERGE" the database definitions from SYSA over to SYSB, you will need to run the batch utility known as the "Database Update Utility" aka "Database LOAD/UNLOAD Utility" to unload the various database record types from SYSA and reload them over to the SYSB Dispatch region.

Details on this utility can be found in the Dispatch 11.7 System Programmers Guide Chapter 12: Using the Database Update Utility.  Also in the Dispatch 11.7 User Guide for the Report Administrators manual Chapter 18: Using the Database Load/Unload Utility DSEXLODL.



The first KEYS to whether or not you will be able to move the archive information from SYSA over to SYSB are:

  1. Tape Management Systems ability to recognize SYSA's VOLSERS.
  2. Physically compatible UNITS to mount the VOLSERS on.
  3. Ability to ship or move the physical tape/cart volsers to SYSB's actual location.
  • You need to determine how full the AR database files are for both Dispatch regions and how many BLOCKS you have allocated for each. To do this run the DSEXSTAT job against both Dispatch regions so we can see how many blocks are allocated for each AR file and the utilization percentage of each regions AR-AREA (You can use the DSEXSTAT output from above if you ran it against ALL of the database files). 

If it is determined that the AR database file on SYSB is not large enough to merge the data from SYSA into, then you will have to follow the documented procedures for increasing the size of the AR database file. These procedures are documented in the CA Dispatch 11.7 System Programmers guide Chapter 6: Migrating the Report Distribution Database.

If items A, B and C from above are all attainable and once you have a large enough AR database file to accommodate all of both Dispatch regions archived reports...

To "MERGE" SYSA's archive information over to SYSB you will need to run the ARCHIVE unload job DSEXARUL against Dispatch on SYSA followed by the DSEXARLD Merge Unloaded Records utility job against Dispatch on SYSB.

The DSEXARUL job is documented starting on or around page page 413 in the CA-Dispatch System Programmers Guide in the section entitled "DSEXARUL - Unload to a Sequential Data Set Utility" See this section for details on this process.

The DSEXARLD job is documented starting on or around page page 412 in the CA-Dispatch System Programmers Guide in the section entitled "DSEXARLD - Merge Unloaded Records" See this section for details on this process. 

* If you have questions on any of the above or need assistance with any of the utilities, we would urge you to open a Support Case via our website.