Converting a Linux machine using VMware Converter fails with the error: 'InitrdNativePatcher failed to generate initrd image
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Converting a Linux machine using VMware Converter fails with the error: 'InitrdNativePatcher failed to generate initrd image


Article ID: 304708


Updated On:




  • Cannot convert a Linux machine
  • Converting Linux server fails after 96%
  • You see the error:

    FAILED: An error occurred during the conversion: 'InitrdNativePatcher failed to generate initrd image: /usr/lib/vmware-converter/ failed with return code: 1. Message:* /mnt/p2v-src-root/dev has 2 files No module xxx found for kernel Kernel_version_number, aborting. ERROR: failed running mkinitrd /boot/mpp-Kernel_version_number.img Kernel_version_number with chroot /mnt/p2v-src-root * unmounting /mnt/p2v-src-root/dev /mnt/p2v-src-root/proc and /mnt/p2v-src-root/sys '


VMware Converter 3.0.x


This issue occurs if the module listed in the error is not available for the kernel listed on the source machine. This indicates that the module was earlier compiled for the kernel, but a newer kernel was later installed that is missing the module.


To resolve this issue, try one of these options on the source machine:
  • Reboot the source machine and boot into a kernel that had the module compiled and then rerun the conversion.
  • Build the module for the running kernel on the source machine and then rerun the conversion.

    Note: The steps to build the module for the running kernel are vendor specific.

Additional Information

For more information about kernel modules, see the documentation for your Linux distribution and version.

VMware Converter で Linux マシンの変換を行うと "InitrdNativePatcher failed to generate initrd image" で失敗する