Watch4net APG 6: Setting up the mail server that APG will use
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Watch4net APG 6: Setting up the mail server that APG will use


Article ID: 304684


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Watch4net APG 6: Setting up the mail server that APG will use
How to set up the mail server for Watch4Net APG 6


VMware Smart Assurance - Watch4Net/M&R


APG Mail Server configuration is necessary if you want to have the Scheduled Report tool sending reports by email.

SMTP Server
In APG 6.x the mail server is defined in the global APG properties file ( located at:

Linux & Solaris: /opt/APG/bin/

Windows: C:\Program Files\APG\bin\

[...] #=================== # Common Properties #=================== [...] mail.smtp.user=<username> mail.smtp.password=<password> [...]

  • Line "" indicates the URL or IP address of SMTP server to be used.
  • Lines "mail.smtp.user" and "mail.smtp.password" are optional. Add them to this file if your SMTP server requires authentication.
  • Last, restart tomcat for these changes to be effective.

Scheduled Reports
The email address used to define the sender is set in the file:

Linux & Solaris: /opt/APG/Web-Servers/Tomcat/Default/conf/

Windows: C:\Program Files\APG\Web-Servers\Tomcat\Default\conf\

Add the following line to this file and set its value to something appropriate for your environment:

[email protected]

As of 6.1u4 and 6.2 the setting is mail.smtp.from

The email address used to define the sender is set in the file:

Linux & Solaris: /opt/APG/Backends/Alerting-Backend/Default/conf/

Windows: C:\Program Files\APG\Backends\Alerting-Backend\Default\conf\

[...] [email protected] [...]

Change the above "alerting.mail.from" line in this file to something more appropriate for your environment.

Last Step
Restart Tomcat and Alerting-Backend to apply your changes in the active environment.

Additional Information

Changing [email protected] to a different address (6.3x and up)
  • Login to alerting-frontend page as admin
http://<Frontend IP or FQDN>:58080/alerting-frontend/
  •  Click Global Settings and change the field entries:
  • Save changes.