Watch4net: How to setup the Watch4net admin account to use Solutions Enabler in read-only (Monitor) mode
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Watch4net: How to setup the Watch4net admin account to use Solutions Enabler in read-only (Monitor) mode


Article ID: 304676


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VMware Smart Assurance - Watch4Net/M&R


How to setup the Watch4net admin account to use Solutions Enabler in read-only (Monitor) mode
How to add a Watch4net user to use Solutions Enabler

How do I add a non-root Watch4net user to Solutions Enabler

To allow a non-root Watch4net user local access to the Solutions Enabler SymCLI API commands with appropriate read-only (Monitor) permissions, do the following:
  1. Open an operating system console and log in to the host as root (Linux) or as a user with administrator-level privileges (Windows).
  2. Change to the SYMAPI configuration directory. By default, the directory is:
    • Linux: /var/symapi/config
    • Windows: %PROGRAMFILES%\EMC\SYMAPI\config

  3. Edit the daemon_users file and add the following line:

    apg storapid <all>

  4. Create a file named role.txt and add the following content:

    assign user apg to role Monitor;

  5. Run the symauth command to commit (use the command symcfg list to get the SymmId):

    symauth f role.txt sid <SID> commit

  6. Validate the user apg is getting the appropriate role by executing the command:

    symauth list users