Watch4net APG 5: Selecting the report type
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Watch4net APG 5: Selecting the report type


Article ID: 304670


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Watch4net APG 5: Selecting the report type
How to select the report type in Watch4Net APG 5

Watch4net APG 5: Selecting the report type

How to select the report type in Watch4Net APG 5


VMware Smart Assurance - Watch4Net/M&R


The following shows the capbabilities available to select the type of report you want in Watch4net APG 5.

What's new in APG 5.0
The baseline icon has been modified and the way it displays values in the graphs has been modified too. The baseline type stands for the base line reports. These reports display two lines and a grayed zone. The colored line is the average value of the selected metric. The black line is the base line and the surrounding grayed zone represent the deviation from the minimum and maximum value of the base line.

Selecting the report type
To select the report type, go to "Edit Mode", and select the "Report" tab. Under the section "Editing Report Properties", just choose the report type in the graphical drop down menu. The "Table" type is the default report type.


Different types of APG reports
The APG portal provides by default 13 different types of reports classified according to 3 categories: 

  • Tables : Table, Leaf Table
  • Graphs : Node, Node Bar, Node Child, Children, Graph, Baseline
  • Aggregated : Stacked chart, Stacked bars, Horizontal Bars, Pie Chart, Gauge Chart

 The following describes the types of reports in each of these categories.

Tables :     
These are reports of table type whose columns can be fully customized by the administrator. The TopN reports are standard table type reports.

  • "Table" is a report mode allowing to show each child node. If the selected node is a "leaf" (ie with no children), the table displayed will use pseudo-child nodes depending on the schema of the database. For example, this could be useful to know the metric currently available.
  • "Leaf Table" is a report mode identical to the table mode except that its behavior is as if the level selected was the last level. In other words, the lines correspond to metrics available at this level. 

Graphs :
These are reports showing the selected metric or calculated values (via APG formulas) on 1 or more graphs.

  • "Node" is a report mode that displays all the variables in the currently selected node. The report is constructed by drawing a simple graph containing all available variables at this level.
  • "Node bar" mode is a report mode that is identical to the Node mode except that it displays the values as bars.
  • "Child Node" works the same way that the Mode Node except that the selected values from child nodes rather than the current node. This mode displays a simple graph with one line per child node.
  • "Children" is a mode Node mixing each child node in a single report. This report retrieves all variables from each child node and displays them in a single graph for each child. Thus, there are as many graphs as there are child nodes and each graph shows all the variables of children.
  • "Graph" is a way of mixing a node type report by leaf node of the tree. The generated report shows 1 graph by sub tree leaf. Graphs are organized according to the organiza-tion defined at the sub tree level.
  • "Baseline" deals with the deviation of a metric. These reports types show 3 lines and a bar mode graph. The graphic mode bar represents the mean value of the selected  metric. The black line corresponds to the deflection while the dotted lines represent the maximum and minimum values of the metric. 

The aggregated reports are specific reports showing the aggregate data mode. 

  • "Stacked chart" displays a graph in which each metric is stacked one on another.
  • "Stacked bars is identical to mode
  • "Stacked chart" but the display is done in bars rather than points.
  • "Horizontal Bars" is a form aggregating the data for each child node. This is a report TopN in which each section is a horizontal bar.
  • "Pie chart" works the same way that the Mode "horizontal bar" except that it displays the data as a pie. This is a report TopN in which each section is a piece of pie.
  • "Gauge chart" displays a value at a time corresponding to the aggregation level used currently. Mode "Gauge" thus identifies a single metric.