Watch4net APG 5: Installing Watch4net APG 5 on Unix/Linux
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Watch4net APG 5: Installing Watch4net APG 5 on Unix/Linux


Article ID: 304667


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Watch4net APG 5: Installing Watch4net APG 5 on Unix/Linux
How to install Watch4net APG 5 on Unix/Linux?


VMware Smart Assurance - Watch4Net/M&R


This procedure will guide you through the process of installing Watch4net APG 5 on Unix/Linux.

Change the permissions of the installer:

 chmod 740 ./ 

Read and accept the license conditions:

Do you accept EULA [y/N] ? y

Unless you want to install APG in a different directory, just press enter:

Enter the installation directory [/opt/APG]:

Unless you have special requirements, just type "y":

Install in /opt/APG [Y/n] ? y

Unless have special requirements, just press "Enter":

Enter the user account we should create and use [apg]:

Unless you have special requirements, just press "d":

Proceed with [D]efault or [m]anual installation? d

Installing APG licenses
Copy the APG licenses to a temporary directory, decompress the zip file:

 cp /tmp/ unzip /tmp/ 

Run with the option "install" to install all the licenses you want:

 cd /tmp/ for e in `ls *.lic`; do /opt/APG/bin/  install $e; done 

Configuring APG
This step will show you the basic configuration for SMART using smartsDiscovery. The configuration of SNMP will be done in the Front-end:

Make a backup copy of the SMARTS configuration file:

 cp /opt/APG/Collecting/Smarts-Collector/Default/conf/sm-discovery.xml /opt/APG/Collecting/Smarts-Collector/Default/conf/sm-discovery.xml.backup  

Edit the file sm-discovery.xml:

 vi /opt/APG/Collecting/Smarts-Collector/Default/conf/sm-discovery.xml

In the following section change the values "IP_Address_or_Hostname", "username" (if you wish so) and "password":

         <domains refresh-period="240">
Starting APG 
/opt/APG/bin/ service start all 

You should see a serie of messages as:

 * Starting 'mysql Default'...
                                            [ OK ] * Starting 'backend Default'...
                                          [ OK ] * Starting 'outage-manager Default'...
                                   [ OK ] * Starting 'collector-manager Default'...
                                [ OK ] * Starting 'tomcat Default'...
                                           [ OK ] 

Verifying the logs
Review the content of the log cache-0-0.log to verify if the backend is running correctly:

 tail -f /opt/APG/Backends/APG-Backend/Default/logs/cache-0-0.log 
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 18:03:11 EST] -- CommitTask::run(): Launching Commit task (120)...
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 18:03:11 EST] -- Cache::commit(): committing group group...
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 18:07:11 EST] -- CommitTask::run(): Launching Commit task (120)...
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 18:07:11 EST] -- Cache::commit(): committing group group...
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 18:09:11 EST] -- FlushTask::run(): Launching Flush task (2000, 31536000)...
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 18:09:11 EST] -- Cache::flush(): flushing group group...
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 18:11:11 EST] -- CommitTask::run(): Launching Commit task (120)...
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 18:11:11 EST] -- Cache::commit(): committing group group...
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 18:15:11 EST] -- CommitTask::run(): Launching Commit task (120)...
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 18:15:11 EST] -- Cache::commit(): committing group group... 

Review the content of the log collector-0-0.log to verify if the collectors are polling data correctly:

 tail -f /opt/APG/Collecting/Collector-Manager/Default/logs/collecting-0-0.log 
 INFO      -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::run(): Started polling group PG_CISCO Start Timestamp(ms): 1261089879006
 INFO      -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::waitAtEndOfPollingCycle():
  Polling group PG_CISCO: Completed in 45ms. 299949ms until next polling, at timestamp: 1261090179000
 INFO   -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::run(): Started polling group PG_HP Start Timestamp(ms): 1261089879013
 INFO         -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::waitAtEndOfPollingCycle():
  Polling group PG_HP: Completed in 38ms. 299949ms until next polling, at timestamp: 1261090179000
 INFO      -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::run(): Started polling group PG_SERVER Start Timestamp(ms): 1261089879014
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::waitAtEndOfPollingCycle():
  Polling group PG_SERVER: Completed in 37ms. 299949ms until next polling, at timestamp: 1261090179000
 INFO  -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::run(): Started polling group PG_GENERIC Start Timestamp(ms): 1261089879014
 INFO    -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::waitAtEndOfPollingCycle():
  Polling group PG_GENERIC: Completed in 39ms. 299947ms until next polling, at timestamp: 1261090179000
 INFO         -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::run(): Started polling group PG_FOUNDRY Start Timestamp(ms): 1261089879014
 INFO    -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::waitAtEndOfPollingCycle():
  Polling group PG_FOUNDRY: Completed in 103ms. 299883ms until next polling, at timestamp: 1261090179000
 INFO        -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::run(): Started polling group PG_NORTEL Start Timestamp(ms): 1261089879013
 INFO     -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::waitAtEndOfPollingCycle():
  Polling group PG_NORTEL: Completed in 104ms. 299883ms until next polling, at timestamp: 1261090179000
 INFO         -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::run(): Started polling group PG_JUNIPER Start Timestamp(ms): 1261089879013
 INFO    -- [2009-12-17 17:44:39 EST] -- PollingUnitPollingGroup::waitAtEndOfPollingCycle():
  Polling group PG_JUNIPER: Completed in 105ms. 299882ms until next polling, at timestamp: 1261090179000 SEVERE
      -- [2009-12-17 17:47:39 EST] -- SmCollectorDiscovery::rediscover(): error refreshing domain list Connection refused
     at Method)
         at com.watch4net.smarts.SmUtils.tryAttach(
         at com.watch4net.smarts.SmUtils.attach(
    at com.watch4net.smarts.SmSafeRemoteBroker.attach(
       at com.watch4net.apg.v2.collector.plugins.SmCollectorConfigurationProvider.rediscoverTemplates(
   at com.watch4net.apg.v2.collector.plugins.SmCollectorDiscovery.rediscover(
    at com.watch4net.apg.v2.collector.plugins.SmCollectorDiscovery$
         at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(

Review the content of the log apg-tomcat-default.out to verify if Tomcat is working correctly:

 tail -f /opt/APG/Web-Servers/Tomcat/Default/logs/apg-tomcat-default.out
 INFO: Global settings configured. Dec 17, 2009 3:39:51 PM com.watch4net.apg.mibbrowser.servlet.listener.ApplicationContextListener contextInitialized
 INFO: MIB tree loaded. Dec 17, 2009 3:39:51 PM com.watch4net.apg.mibbrowser.servlet.listener.ApplicationContextListener contextInitialized
 INFO: MIB browser initialized. Dec 17, 2009 3:39:51 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
 INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-58080 Dec 17, 2009 3:39:52 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
 INFO: Server startup in 35242 ms Dec 17, 2009 3:40:02 PM com.watch4net.apg.v2.gui.database.master.MasterUtils cleanup
 INFO: Launching global master cleanup... Dec 17, 2009 3:53:40 PM org.displaytag.export.ExportViewFactory <init>
 INFO: Initializing ExportViewFactory with type={} Dec 17, 2009 3:53:40 PM getLocaleResolverInstance
 INFO: LocaleResolver initialized to Dec 17, 2009 4:00:01 PM run
 INFO: 0 scheduled reports have been queued for Thu Dec 17 16:00:00 EST 2009... 

Review the content of the log <SERVER_NAME>.err to verify if the database is working correctly:

 tail -f /opt/APG/Databases/MySQL/Default/data/APG-5.err 
 091217 15:39:03  mysqld started 091217 15:39:03
 [Warning] option 'thread_stack': unsigned value q126976 adjusted to 131072 091217 15:39:03
 [Warning] Changed limits: max_open_files: 1024  max_connections: 100  table_cache: 457 091217 15:39:04
 [Note] /opt/APG/Databases/MySQL/Default/bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
 Version: '5.0.67'  socket: 'mysql.sock'  port: 53306  MySQL Community Server (GPL) 

Logging into the front end
You can then access the URL as : http://Your_Server_Name_Or_IP_Address:58080/APG/ . The default pasword for the "admin" user is "changeme". Please make sure to change it using