Watch4net 6.2: APG Availability metric for Cisco is not displaying information
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Watch4net 6.2: APG Availability metric for Cisco is not displaying information


Article ID: 304634


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Watch4net 6.2 APG Availability metric for Cisco is not displaying information
Watch4net 6.1u2 APG configuration query returns the complete configuration information but default APG Availability metric configuration information does not return in Watch4net 6.2

Watch4net 6.2 APG Availability column does not display any information

Watch4net 6.1u2 APG configuration query returns the complete configuration information as in the following:

mysql> select id, name, device, part from data_property_flat where device='[IP Address]' and part is NULL;
| id   | name         | device      | part |
| 1635 | Reachability | [IP Address]| NULL |
| 1769 | Availability | [IP Address]| NULL |
| 1770 | Uptime       | [IP Address]| NULL |
| 1792 | nbFlowsNF    | [IP Address]| NULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

But the query for the default configuration of Watch4net 6.2 APG returns no Availability metric as shown in the following:

mysql> select id, name, device, part from data_property_flat where device='p1.cpk.mngmt' and part is NULL;
| id   | name         | device       | part |
|  857 | Reachability | p1.cpk.mngmt | NULL |
| 1156 | Uptime       | p1.cpk.mngmt | NULL |


VMware Smart Assurance - Watch4Net/M&R


The Watch4net availability-filter is not being installed with Watch4net 6.2 because of an installation issue.


EMC Watch4net Engineering is aware of this issue and is evaluating the requirements to address this issue in an upcoming Watch4net APG release. For the latest information, contact EMC Customer Services (CS) for Watch4net APG through the EMC Online Support site ( or by phone, and reference this solution ID. Until a fix is available, environments encountering this issue can use the following workaround.

To work around this issue, you can manually install the availability-filter, or use the one already installed with the Generic-SNMP collector.