How to manage Watch4net users
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How to manage Watch4net users


Article ID: 304631


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VMware Smart Assurance - Watch4Net/M&R


How to manage the users in Watch4Net APG 5

Users in APG are managed through the Administration page in the Users sections.

Types of users
The types of users are as follows:

  • Normal Users: They have a limited but fully functional access to APG.
  • Global Administrators: They have full access to APG and the Administrative Tools. Global administrators have full rights over the whole application and all its components: they cannot be disabled, have no restrictions at all and can navigate through all the available templates. Normal users is the default status.

The following sections present the operations available in APG 5 to manage APG users.

Add a new user
To add a new user, just click to the New User button
On the editing section, fill user login and password
Click on Save Changes button to apply

Managing existing users
You can manage existing users and change their information by clicking on the user's line in the Users Management page.  A menu appears with several options described in the following sections.

Edit a user
Select Edit from the menu and you will get to the same form than when you create a new users, but it will be already filled with the user information, ready to edit.

Copy a user
You can also copy a user. This will create a new user, using the same profiles, the same roles an properties.

Test a user
When you create a new user or when you edit some settings for a user, this feature makes it practical to test a user without having to log out.

Test user/Return to Self
When you're testing a user, you will see a new option at the top left, "Return to Self". Clicking on it gets you back to the Users Management page.

Disable / Enable a user
Another possibility is to disable a user. This user will temporarly be prevented from logging in the Watch4net portal. If you want to disable the user login, just select "Disable" in the Edit menu, which will be displayed for a currently Enabled user.

Identifying Disabled/Enabled users
The last column in the table of the Users Management page indicates if a user is currently enabled or disabled. Disabled users will have a red "X" icon next to them, while enabled users will have a green "check" icon next to them.

Re-enabling disabled users
If you want to re-enable the user login, just select "Enable", which will be displayed in the Edit menu for a currently disabled user.

Delete a user
To permanently remove an existing user, just select Delete in the same menu.