How to Create a non-root account with Administrator capabilities on ESX
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How to Create a non-root account with Administrator capabilities on ESX


Article ID: 304569


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VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides information to create a non-root account that has Administrator level privileges on ESX.


As per the ESX Server Configuration Guide:
  1. To add a user to the Users Table.
    1. Log in to the host using the vSphere Client, using the root userid.
    2. Click the Local Users & Groups tab and click Users.
    3. Right-click anywhere in the Users table and click Add to open the Add New User dialog.
    4. Enter a login name, a user name, and a password.

      Note: The vSphere Client automatically assigns the next available UID to the user on the ESX host. You can over-write the populated field.

    5. Create a password that meets the length and complexity requirements. However, the ESX host checks for password compliance only if you have switched to the plug-in for authentication. The password settings in the default authentication plug-in,, are not enforced. To allow a user to access the ESX host through a command shell, select Grant shell access to this user.
    6. In general, do not grant shell access unless the user has a justifiable need. Users that access the host only through the vSphere Client do not need shell access.
    7. To add the user to a group, select the group name from the Group drop-down menu and click Add.
    8. Click OK

  2. To select the Permissions tab, also in the local host vSphere client session, and then:
    1. Right click "Add Permissions"
    2. select Administrator from the Assigned Role drop-down box
    3. click Add to bring up a list of available users
    4. select the user you added in Step 1 and click Add, then OK
    5. click OK
    6. At this point, you should now be able to login to the ESX host using that user, and the vSphere client.
For more information, see the ESX Server Configuration Guide.
Note: System administrators and managers are strongly encouraged to review the Basic System Administration, ESX Server Administration Guide, and Knowledge Base articles that discuss the implications of granting Administrator level access.

Additional Information

ESX で管理者権限を持つ非 root アカウントを作成する方法
如何在 ESX 上创建具有管理员功能的非 root 帐户