Failed to access via Web Client shortcut after updating vCenter Server 6.5 for Windows
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Failed to access via Web Client shortcut after updating vCenter Server 6.5 for Windows


Article ID: 304504


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


Failed to access via Web Client shortcut after upgrading vCenter Server 6.5  for Windows with update1 patch to update 2c/2d.


VMware vSphere 6.5.x


This issue occurs because the URL in link field of web client shortcut is incorrect.
"https:///vsphere-client" (There is no host name or fqdn)


Currently, there is no resolution.

To work around this issue:
  1. Recreate web client shortcut after updating the vCenter Server.
  2. On Windows Desktop, right-click and click New > Shortcut.
  3. Enter https://<host name>/vsphere-client/ in the Type the location of the item: field.
  4. Enter a shortcut name in the Type a name for this shortcut: field and click Finish.
To change Shortcut icon:
  1. Open shortcut properties and click Change on Web Document tab.
  2. Click Browse and search vcs.ico file to apply the icon file.
  3. When changing the access permission, change the settings to match the system requirements from the Security tab.