When the JAVA version is upgraded on a LPAR, what changes need to be made to the Apache TOMCAT server for Compliance Manager?
1. <!--[endif]-->Edit the TOMCAT procedure in the Compliance Manager CEIQJCL1 library and make the following changes:
a. <!--[endif]-->Change the TOMCAT procedure LIBRARY variable to point to your PDS JAVA.SIEALNKE library.
b. <!--[endif]-->Change TOMCAT procedure VERSION variable for JAVA version.
ie. VERSION='76'
c. Copy the updated TOMCAT procedure to your SYSPROC.
2. <!--[endif]-->Edit the TOMENV member in the Compliance Manager CEIQJCL1 library and make the following change:
a. <!--[endif]-->Change the TOMENV member JAVA_HOME environment variable to the base path of the JDK.
ie. export JAVA_HOME=/u/users/java64bt/v7r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J7.0_64
After making the changes the TOMCAT server should be re-started.