Creating a host profile fails with the error: A general system error occured: Invalid Netstack Instance name
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Creating a host profile fails with the error: A general system error occured: Invalid Netstack Instance name


Article ID: 304355


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Cannot create a host profile.
  • Creating a host profile fails.
  • Creating a host profile in the vSphere Web Client fails with the error:

    A general system error occurred: Invalid Netstack Instance name

  • In the vpxd.log file of vCenter Server, you see entries similar to:

    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z [7F16C092B700 info 'commonvpxLro' opID=68b01817] [VpxLRO] -- BEGIN task-605 -- -- vim.profile.ProfileManager.createProfile -- 196b4cb5-d4f7-da66-38e2-46</time>

    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z [7F16C092B700 info 'commonvpxLro' opID=68b01817] [VpxLRO] -- FINISH task-605 -- host-121 -- vim.profile.ProfileManager.createProfile --</time>
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z [7F16C092B700 info 'Default' opID=68b01817] [VpxLRO] -- ERROR task-605 -- host-121 -- vim.profile.ProfileManager.createProfile: vmodl.fault.SystemError:</time>
    --> Result:
    --> (vmodl.fault.SystemError) {
    --> dynamicType = <unset>,
    --> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
    --> faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [
    --> (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) {
    --> dynamicType = <unset>,
    --> key = "",
    --> message = "Invalid Netstack Instance name",
    --> }
    --> ],
    --> reason = "",
    --> msg = ""
    --> }
    --> Args:

  • In the vpxa.log file of the impacted host, you see entries similar to:

    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z [FFDD6B70 info 'commonvpxLro' opID=68b01817-f1] [VpxLRO] -- BEGIN task-internal-21170 -- -- -- 4ff35d0e-5265-5f3c-cddb-12b5bbe3706a</time>
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z [FFD721A0 info 'commonvpxLro' opID=68b01817-ac] [VpxLRO] -- BEGIN task-internal-21173 -- -- -</time>
    - 4ff35d0e-5265-5f3c-cddb-12b5bbe3706a
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z [FFD721A0 verbose 'commonproxyManagedObjectImpl' opID=68b01817-ac] [ProxyManagedObjectImpl::DispatchAsync] Invoking</time>
    ofileManager::bookKeep with 1 params
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z [FFDD6B70 verbo</time>

    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z [FFD721A0 info 'commonvpxLro' opID=68b01817-ac] [VpxLRO] -- FINISH task-internal-21173 -- -- --</time>
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z [FFD721A0 info 'Default' opID=68b01817-ac] [VpxLRO] -- ERROR task-internal-21173 -- -- vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed:</time>
    --> Result:
    --> (vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed) {
    --> dynamicType = <unset>,
    --> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
    --> failure = (vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed.UpdateFailure) [
    --> (vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed.UpdateFailure) {
    --> dynamicType = <unset>,
    --> profilePath = (vim.profile.ProfilePropertyPath) {
    --> dynamicType = <unset>,
    --> profilePath = "network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-DVS-iSCSI-iSCSI-1-vmk1"]",
    --> policyId = "VirtualNICInstancePolicy",
    --> parameterId = "instanceName",
    --> },
    --> errMsg = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) {
    --> dynamicType = <unset>,
    --> key = "",
    --> message = "Invalid Netstack Instance name",
    --> },
    --> }
    --> ],
    --> msg = "Received SOAP response fault from [<cs p:1f3ed200, TCP:localhost:8307>]: bookKeep
    --> Profile validation failed. Check the profile for errors.",
    --> }
    --> Args:

  • In the syslog.log file of the impacted host, you see entries similar to:

    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z 2014-04-15 07: 06:47,768 Host Profiles[1951106]: INFO: Calling GatherData() for profile type KernelModuleProfile^@</time>
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z 2014-04-15 07: 06:48,955 Host Profiles[1951106]: INFO: Not using on-demand data gathering for profile deviceAlias_deviceAlias_DeviceAliasProfile^@</time>
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z 2014-04-15 07: 06:48,955 Host Profiles[1951106]: INFO: Calling GatherData() for profile type DeviceAliasProfile^@</time>
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z 2014-04-15 07: 06:48,961 Host Profiles[1951106]: ERROR: Errors updating the profile: [((vim.profile.ProfilePropertyPath) {</time>
    dynamicType = <unset>,
    dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
    profilePath = u'network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-DVS-iSCSI-iSCSI-1-vmk1"]',
    policyId = 'VirtualNICInstancePolicy',
    parameterId = 'instanceName'
    }, (LocalizableMessageWithPath) {
    dynamicType = <unset>,
    dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
    key = '',
    arg = (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) [],
    message = u'Invalid Netstack Instance name'
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z HostProfileManager: [2014-04-15 07:06:48,961 root ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):</time>
    File "/build/mts/release/bora-1331820/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/sys/lib/python2.6/site-packages/", line 1351, in _InvokeMethod
    File "/build/mts/release/bora-1331820/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/sys/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pyVmomi/", line 351, in _InvokeMethod
    File "/build/mts/release/bora-1331820/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/sys/lib/python2.6/site-packages/", line 225, in InvokeMethod
    File "/build/mts/release/bora-1331820/bora/build/esx/release/vmvisor/sys/lib/python2.6/site-packages/hostprofiles/pyEngine/", line 291, in BookKeep
    vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed: (vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed) {
    dynamicType = <unset>,
    dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
    msg = <unset>,
    faultCause = <unse</span>
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z HostProfileManager: t>,</time>
    faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [],
    failure = (vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed.UpdateFailure) [
    (vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed.UpdateFailure) {
    dynamicType = <unset>,
    dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
    profilePath = (vim.profile.ProfilePropertyPath) {
    dynamicType = <unset>,
    dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
    profilePath = u'network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-DVS-iSCSI-iSCSI-1-vmk1"]',
    policyId = 'VirtualNICInstancePolicy',
    parameterId = 'instanceName'
    errMsg = (LocalizableMessageWithPath) {
    dynamicType = <unset>,
    dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
    key = '',
    arg = (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) [],
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z HostProfileManager: message = u'Invalid Netstack Instance name'</time>

  • In the hostd.log file of the impacted host, you see entries similar to:

    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z [390C1B70 info 'Solo.Vmomi' opID=68b01817-ac user=vpxuser] Throw vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed</time>
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time>Z [390C1B70 info 'Solo.Vmomi' opID=68b01817-ac user=vpxuser] Result:</time>
    --> (vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed) {
    --> dynamicType = <unset>,
    --> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
    --> failure = (vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed.UpdateFailure) [
    --> (vim.fault.ProfileUpdateFailed.UpdateFailure) {
    --> dynamicType = <unset>,
    --> profilePath = (vim.profile.ProfilePropertyPath) {
    --> dynamicType = <unset>,
    --> profilePath = "network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-DVS-iSCSI-iSCSI-1-vmk1"]",
    --> policyId = "VirtualNICInstancePolicy",
    --> parameterId = "instanceName",
    --> },
    --> errMsg = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) {
    --> dynamicType = <unset>,
    --> key = "",
    --> message = "Invalid Netstack Instance name",
    --> },
    --> }
    --> ],
    --> msg = "Received SOAP response fault from [local]: bookKeep
    --> ",
    --> }


This issue occurs due to inconsistent information between the vSphere Web Client and the vDS.


This is a known issue affecting VMware vCenter Appliance 5.5.x.

To workaround this issue:
  1. Log in to the vSphere Web Client.
  2. Click vCenter Server > Hosts.
  3. Select the impacted host.
  4. Click the Manage tab.
  5. Click the Networking > VMkernel adapters.
  6. Click the Refresh the host's network system icon.
  7. Select each VMkernel adapter and verify that the TCP/IP stack information reports as Default.