Smarts PM: What OIDs does Smarts IP Performance Manager poll and use to calculate a HighErrorRate event?
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Smarts PM: What OIDs does Smarts IP Performance Manager poll and use to calculate a HighErrorRate event?


Article ID: 304333


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What OIDs does Smarts IP Performance Manager poll and use to calculate a HighErrorRate event?


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The HighErrorRate event in Smarts PM is calculated based on the values of the following OIDs:
  • ifHCOutUcastPkts = "."
  • ifHCOutMulticastPkts = "."
  • ifInDiscards = "."
  • ifInErrors = "."
  • ifInUnknownProtos = "."

To calculate a HighErrorRate event, Smarts PM needs to have multiple polling of the above OIDs during the timeframe when the event is active. In addition, Smarts PM defines the rate function as the absolute difference of two successive IfInErrors values between polling intervals that are divided by the pollingInterval as follows:

rate( IfInErrors, pollingInterval ) = absolute( ( IfInErrors1 - IfInErrors2) ) / pollingInterval )

Smarts PM uses the following equation to generate the HighErrorRate event. This statement must return TRUE for a HighErrorRate event to be generated:

( InputPacketErrorRate > MinimumErrorRate ) && ( InputPacketErrorPct > ErrorThreshold )

The following sections of this Fix statement explain how the values in the above calculation are calculated.

The InputPacketErrorPct value is calculated using the following equation:

InputPacketErrorPct = ( ( InputPacketErrorRate / InputPacketRate) * 100 )

Where InputePacketErrorRate = ifInErrorsRate.

The InputPacketRate value in the InputPacketErrorPct equation is derived from the following equation:

InputPacketRate = ifInUcastPktsRate + ifInNUcastPktsRate + ifInDiscardsRate + ifInErrorsRate + ifInUnknownProtosRate

The following sections show the equations that provide the values in the above InputPacketRate equation.

ifInUcastPktsRate = rate( ifHCOutUcastPkts, pollingInterval )

ifInNUcastPktsRate = rate( ifHCOutMulticastPkts, pollingInterval ) ifInDiscardsRate
ifInDiscardsRate = rate( ifInDiscards, pollingInterval ) ifInErrorsRate
ifInErrorsRate = rate( IfInErrors, pollingInterval ) ifInUnknownProtosRate
ifInUnknownProtosRate = rate( ifInUnknownProtos, pollingInterval )