Smarts TSM: Log file contains "ASL-ERROR_GET-While attempting to get property 'ImbalanceRatio' of object 'MR_Object::TopoSplit-Manager' entry
Article ID: 304322
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VMware Smart Assurance
Receive the following error in Smarts Topology Split Manager (Smarts TSM) log file:
ASL-ERROR_GET-While attempting to get 'ImbalanceRatio' property of object 'MR_Object::TopoSplit-Manager'
Running a split in Smarts TSM fails with the following ASL errors:
[18-Sep-2008 16:06:41+624ms GMT] t@110 SM_ProtocolEngine-27 ASL-W-ERROR_RULE_SOURCE-While executing rule set '/opt/InCharge7/IP/smarts/rules/discovery/topo-split/topo-split-init.asl' ASL-ERROR_ACTION-While executing action at: ASL-CALL_STACK_RULE- RuleName: START, Line: 94 ASL-ERROR_GET-While attempting to get property 'ImbalanceRatio' of object 'MR_Object::TopoSplit-Manager' CI-EGENERIC-At Topo_Split.c:2278 average on an empty set: MR error MR-ERROR-MR error
VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
The error message is the result of trying to split a topology with X number of devices into X+1 number of IP domains. For example, trying to split a TSM topology of 5 devices into 6 AM-PM domains.
To resolve this issue, ensure that you have enough devices in the TSM topology so when it performs a split, each of the domains it is splitting to will be populated with at least one device. If you have fewer devices in Smarts TSM than the number of IP domains it is splitting to, change the NumberOfDomains parameter in tsm.conf to resolve this.