Smarts IP: What is the MaximumUptime attribute for a Interface?
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Smarts IP: What is the MaximumUptime attribute for a Interface?


Article ID: 304317


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VMware Smart Assurance



What is the MaximumUptime attribute for a Interface?

The MaximumUptime attribute for Interfaces in my topology has a value other than 0.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The MaximumUptime value for the interfaces corresponds to the value of the MaximumUptime Threshold setting that is applied to the Threshold group that these interfaces are in. 

They are in a group that has either the Backup Interface Support or Dial On Demand Interface Support setting applied to it because these are the only settings that will populate the MaximumUptime attribute. 

The value will change based on whatever you set MaximumUptime to in the settings for this group.

Additional Information

For more information on this attribute and the settings for which it is a part of, please refer to the IP Availability Manager User's Guide that is located in BASEDIR/smarts/doc/pdf/ip_availability.pdf. The following definition of the MaximumUptime attribute is from the IP Availability Manager User's Guide:

"Maximum length of time, in seconds, that a backup or dial-on-demand network adapter may be in the UP state before the event ExceededMaximumUptime is generated.  If this attribute is set to 0, the event is disabled."