Modifying the Java maximum heap size to meet Smarts SAM Dashboard application requirements
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Modifying the Java maximum heap size to meet Smarts SAM Dashboard application requirements


Article ID: 304303


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance


Overview of modifying the Java maximum heap size to meet Smarts SAM Dashboard application requirements. And if it is possible to set the Java maximum heap size globally for all users on the system. 


Smarts 10.1.x / 2.X


It is not possible to set the Java maximum heap size globally.


The heap size must be set individually in the Java plugin Control Panel of the JRE each web browser uses. This is done as follows:

  • Open the Java Run Time Parameters dialog as follows:
    Windows > Control Panel > Java > Java Control Panel > Java Tab > Java Applet Runtime Settings > View > Java Run Time Parameters
  • Add the "Xmx..." parameter to specify the desired Java maximum heap size for the Smarts SAM Dashboard application. The following will set the Java maximum heap size to 300M: