Smarts NPM for OSPF: What happens when the 'AdminDownFlag' is set to TRUE in the ospf.conf configuration file?
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Smarts NPM for OSPF: What happens when the 'AdminDownFlag' is set to TRUE in the ospf.conf configuration file?


Article ID: 304300


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


What happens in Smarts NPM for OSPF when the AdminDownFlag is set to TRUE in the ospf.conf configuration file?
What is required to use the Smarts NPM for OSPF AdminDownFlag found in the ospf.conf configuration file?

When you configure AdminDownFlag to be TRUE in the Smarts NPM ospf.conf configuration file, Smarts NPM will disable only alarms for OSPF or physical interfaces which are down administratively. To disable alarms and use this functionality, the following two conditions must be met:
  1. The AdminDownFlag value in the MSI_Adapter-Manager must be set to TRUE. To set this to be true, you have to disable the OSPF Interface or the physical interface it is layered over. The program interface description for this flag says the following: 

    "If this flag is set to TRUE and one of the end points is adimin down, then all alarms for the session will be disabled. This flag is generally used in the protocol service manager".

  2. One or both of the end points of the session must actually be admin down (as the description of AdminDownFlag points out). Check this by looking at the values for the IsAdminDown attribute of the end points.